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;BLU : Boston Linux & Unix = a Linux User Group in Boston, MA, USA with roots that go back into the days of Unix before Linux was a thing
;BMW : Bavarian Motor Works = German car company
;CIDR : [[wp:Classless Inter-Domain Routing|Classless Inter-Domain Routing]]
;coax: coaxial cable
;CNCF:Cloud Native Computing Foundation - a sub-foundation of the Linux Foundation.
;DRM: Digital Restrictions Management = Electronic methods to control what you can and can't do.
;EFF: Electronic Frontier Foundation
;FHIR: [[wp:Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources|Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources]] is a standard for exchanging Healthcare data.
;FOSS: Free Open Source Software. An attempt to communicate the 'freedom' aspect of free software de-emphasizing the price connotation of 'free'.
;FLOSS: Free / Libre Open Source Software = Another attempt to de-emphasize the price connotation of 'free' and instead recognize that free means liberty.