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AWS Solutions Architect/training/Section 3: Identity Management and Permissions

17. Introduction

18. How IAM Works

19. Overview of Users, Groups, Roles and Policies

20. IAM Authentication Methods

21. AWS Security Token Service (STS)

22. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

23. [HOL] Setup Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

24. Identity-Based Policies and Resource-Based Policies

25. Access Control Methods - RBAC & ABAC

26. Permissions Boundaries

27. IAM Policy Evaluation

28. IAM Policy Structure

29. [HOL] Using Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

30. [HOL] Using Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC)

31. [HOL] Apply Permissions Boundary

32. Use Cases for IAM Roles

33. [HOL] Cross-Account Access to S3

34. Access Keys and IAM Roles with EC2

35. [HOL] Amazon EC2 Instance Profile

36. AWS IAM Best Practices