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Field name: Display label: Semantic property: AddressLocality Developer DownloadURL EmailAddress Feature description Feature examples Feature explanation Feature notes Feature tests Feature title FirstName Foaf:homepage Foaf:knows Foaf:name Has image HasCoordinates HasPages HasPartnerProgram HasSites HasSkill HasUsers IsPerson LastName Logo Name Owl:differentFrom PartnerProgramURL PostalCode Postalcode RepoURL SameAs Sdo:address Sdo:addressLocality Sdo:addressRegion Sdo:alternateName Sdo:areaServed Sdo:award Sdo:contactPoint Sdo:description Sdo:email Sdo:founder Sdo:image Sdo:legalName Sdo:location Sdo:logo Sdo:mainEntityOfPage Sdo:makesOffer Sdo:memberOf Sdo:name Sdo:parentOrganization Sdo:postalCode Sdo:sameAs Sdo:streetAddress Sdo:subjectOf Sdo:telephone Sdo:url Special:PrefixIndex/Template StreetAddress Telephone Template
Field holds a list of values Delimiter:
To list, on any page using this template, all of the pages that have a certain property pointing to that page, specify the appropriate property below:
Semantic property: AddressLocality Developer DownloadURL EmailAddress Feature description Feature examples Feature explanation Feature notes Feature tests Feature title FirstName Foaf:homepage Foaf:knows Foaf:name Has image HasCoordinates HasPages HasPartnerProgram HasSites HasSkill HasUsers IsPerson LastName Logo Name Owl:differentFrom PartnerProgramURL PostalCode Postalcode RepoURL SameAs Sdo:address Sdo:addressLocality Sdo:addressRegion Sdo:alternateName Sdo:areaServed Sdo:award Sdo:contactPoint Sdo:description Sdo:email Sdo:founder Sdo:image Sdo:legalName Sdo:location Sdo:logo Sdo:mainEntityOfPage Sdo:makesOffer Sdo:memberOf Sdo:name Sdo:parentOrganization Sdo:postalCode Sdo:sameAs Sdo:streetAddress Sdo:subjectOf Sdo:telephone Sdo:url Special:PrefixIndex/Template StreetAddress Telephone Template
Title for list:
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