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While working on a [[VirtualBox]] VM, I initially gave it 20GB to work with, in a dynamically allocated disk image (VDI). Soon I discovered that I only really had 17GB of space allocated to the root partition and that a large database operation that I wanted to do on this VM used up all available space. So, I needed to increase the disk space allocated to the VM by VirtualBox, and ensure too that the guest OS ([[Rocky Linux]]) was aware of the space.
Increasing the size of the disk in VirtualBox 7 was easy enough. With guest stopped, I could access the disk properties in 'Tools' and change the size to 40GB from 20GB. However, it was not sufficient to just restart the VM. Instead, I needed to download a Live CD which I could insert into the virtual CD drive of the guest with the proper tools used to re-partition the guest OS. For this task, I used the '''[ Gnome Partition Editor]''', more commonly known as 'gparted'. gparted-live-1.5.0-6-i686.iso (470MB). The strange part was that even after resizing the guest hard drive, the partitions still were not using the full space available. In the <code>lsblk</code> output below, you can see that sda2 has 39GB available, but that the root volume is only 17GB on disk.
lsblk -o name,type,fstype,mountpoint,size
tmpfs tmpfs 769M 32K 769M 1% /run/user/1000
== Reference ==
# (note: I didn't use VBoxManage, I just used the 'Tools' in the VirtualBox GUI)
[[Category:System Administration]]
[[Category:File systemFilesystems]]