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36 bytes added ,  23:32, 11 March 2009
adds See Also section
It is relatively easy to install these keys (fixing the error message) if you know the right commands. There '''is''' a HOWTO ( on the Launchpad site, but I think it's often missed.
I am comfortable with the command-line and it's the quickest solution. Assuming you add the [ Gwibber microblogging client] (where the key id is 5afadbd4aa1c92b0), this is the proper command sequence:
<source lang="bash">
gpg --keyserver --recv 5afadbd4aa1c92b0
gpg --export --armor 5afadbd4aa1c92b0 | sudo apt-key add -
Alternatively this does it in one line:
<source lang="bash">
sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver 5afadbd4aa1c92b0
"sudo" means that you will be prompted to enter you're system account password to execute the command as the super-user.
== Note ==
If you are more comfortable with graphical tools, then see the site where it walks you through those steps.
== See Also ==
[[Using keys]] describes more about using SSH and key authentication
[[Category:System Administration]]
