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100 bytes added ,  10:32, 4 February 2016
adds note about template design
<li>check/enable permissions (Drupal)
<li>set the headers and footers for mailings
<li>set the message template for mailings(note that you'll want to design, and create all assets for your mail [[templates]], and host them)
<li>setup custom fieldsets and data fields. Before you do this, learn about Option Groups
<li>map import data to fields, groups, tags. Also do a large amount of data wrangling (normalization; and ETL) to get source data in a format suitable for use with CiviCRM. The data that I have is "composite" because it has individuals embedded inside organization records. So I needed to extract and flatten out contact records from their organization records; plus create and maintain a simple "external ID" system to relate them after import. This means parsing, slicing and dicing, string manipulation and making corrections or formatting data a particular way. I almost installed Pentaho Data Integration (kettle) because that tool is (supposedly) built for this job. <ref>But like since version 3, Pentaho still doesn't work even at 5. The install docs are missing. The thing failed to even load, with no error.</ref>
