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Use an online validator like or
Of course, you should have one in your local tools and CI pipeline to ensure that your [[YAML]] is always correct. With the yamllint, there is both a script and a Python module; meaning you can write your own linting tool in Python by invoking (importing) the yamllint module<ref></ref>. See the caveat section below about "using the right tool for the job" - meaning use the right linter for the language/project you are linting.
== Manually fix errors==
Unfortunately, <tt>yamllint</tt> does not fix your file for you. There could be ambiguities about the proper fix, so you need to do the fix(es) yourself.
== Tips ==You can use '''[ comment directives]''' to control the behavior of <code>yamllint</code> With <code>disable-line</code> you put the directive in-line, or on the line above.<syntaxhighlight lang="yaml"># The following mapping contains the same key twice,# but I know what I'm doing:key: value 1# yamllint disable-line rule:key-duplicateskey: value 2 # yamllint disable-line rule:line-length- This line is waaaaaaaaaay too long but yamllint will not report anything about it. This line will be checked by yamllint.</syntaxhighlight>With <code>disable</code> you can disable multiple [ rules] for the entire file.<syntaxhighlight lang="yaml"># yamllint disable rule:hyphens rule:commas rule:indentation</syntaxhighlight>Or even use <code>disable-file</code><syntaxhighlight lang="yaml"># yamllint disable-file# This file is not valid YAML because it is a Jinja template</syntaxhighlight> == Many linters ==
You can't just use "one" solution either<ref></ref>. The leading GPL linter is based on Python, so depending on your code repo, you may instead want to use a JavaScript or PHP implementation. Thus, tools like [[wp:Grunt (software)]] may be used to automate JSHint linting in [[JavaScript]] projects<ref></ref>.
== Source, Docs and Reading == ***