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Performance tuning

Revision as of 23:39, 22 February 2009 by Freephile (talk | contribs) (adds imagery)


Getting the most out of your Linux desktop can be easy if you have a great new machine loaded with oodles of RAM. But, if you have older hardware, perhaps limited in memory, and you still want to heavily use the system with as much responsivenes as possible, then you are obviously interested in tuning the performance. Even with 2GB of RAM, running on a relatively good piece of hardware, you may want to investigate ways to get more performance out of your system so that it's as fast as you are. :-)

One good article on the subject is at They talk about using the "free" command to look at your memory. Although you can add a -s switch to redo the command every so many seconds, this will just run output scrolling through your console, so the better option would be to use free in tandem with watch which has the added benefit of being capable of highlighting the differences for you.

# see how memory is being used (in Megabytes)
# hit "Ctrl C" to cancel
watch -n 1 --differences free -m

See Also

To help optimize your web server, see the PHP Accelerator article