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  • File:Wikisym13-cluebot.pdf (matches file content)
    collaborative work Keywords Wikipedia, peer production, information quality, automation, bots, software agents, socio-technical systems 1. INTRODUCTION This
    (1,275 × 1,650 (420 KB)) - 08:19, 31 December 2018
  • File:TIG TOOLKIT 2 KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT MARCH2018.pdf (matches file content)
    permission-granting • Document sharing and collaboration • Workflow automation, such as document routing and approvals • Integration with e-signature
    (1,275 × 1,650 (338 KB)) - 13:15, 29 March 2018
  • File:Ejbdesignpatterns.pdf (matches file content)
    preferences) while still delivering the benefits of automation by holding certain things constant, automation scripts need to offer a fair degree of flexibility—especially
    (1,125 × 1,387 (908 KB)) - 10:36, 6 October 2008