Semantic MediaWiki
Semantic MediaWiki is one of the largest, and most complex extensions to MediaWiki - and also an indespensible one for enterprise use. The features it provides are partly described on the Metadata page.
This page exists to dive deeper into particulars.
SMWCon 2023
Task tracking
HalloWelt! combines four extensions they created to make useful task tracking in (Semantic) MediaWiki
- Extension:SimpleTasks Tasks are checklist items that can be checked on or off to indicate if the task is open or completed.
- Extension:Checklists Make lists of checkboxes.
- Extension:DateTimeTools Provides date tools in VisualEditor.
- Extension:AtMentions Easily mention a user, with notification
Miriam Schlindwein presented how it's possible to create tasks, assign them to someone, add due dates and how they can be controlled