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// copied from [[mw:User:Alex Smotrov/edittools.js]], modified for use on the English Wikipedia.
// enableForAllFields() feature from [[commons:MediaWiki:Edittools.js]]
// combined and modified by [[User:Ilmari Karonen]]
// after making changes to this page and testing them, update the number after "edittools-version-" in [[MediaWiki:Edittools]] to purge the cache for everyone
// <source lang="javascript">

if (typeof (EditTools_set_focus) == 'undefined')
   var EditTools_set_focus = true;

if (typeof (EditTools_set_focus_initially) == 'undefined')
   var EditTools_set_focus_initially = EditTools_set_focus;

var EditTools =
  charinsert : {
     'Insert': '         ? ? ? ? ? ?  ?   ? ?    Sign_your_posts_on_talk_pages: ~~\~~  Cite_your_sources: <ref>+</ref>',
     'Wiki markup': '{\{+}}  {\{\{+}}}  |  [+]  [\[+]]  [\[Category:+]]  #REDIRECT.[\[+]]  &nbsp;  <s>+</s>  <sup>+</sup>  <sub>+</sub>  <code>+</code>  <blockquote>+</blockquote>  <ref>+</ref>  {\{Reflist}}  <references/>  <includeonly>+</includeonly>  <noinclude>+</noinclude>  {\{DEFAULTSORT:+}}  <nowiki>+</nowiki>  <!--.+_-->  <span.class="plainlinks">+</span>',
     'Symbols': '~ | ???  # ???????   +  ?????$???????????????????  ????  m m', 
     'Latin': '????????????    ??????????????      ????????  ??????????????  ? ?  ? ?  ??????????????????????  ??????????????  ????  ????????????  ??????????  ??????????  ????????????????????  ? ?  ????  ? ?  ? ?         ? ?   {\{Unicode|+}}',
     'Greek': '??????????????  ????????  ????????  ????????  ????????  ?????????  ????????  ????????????????????????????????????????  ??????????????  ????????????????????????????????????????  ???????????????????  ??????????????  ???  ???????????????  ????????????????????????????????????????   {\{Polytonic|+}}',
     'Cyrillic': '????????  ????????  ????????  ????????  ????????  ????????  ????????  ????????  ????????  ????????  ????????  ?????? ???????? ???????? ????????  ????????  ????????  ????????  ?????  ????????  ????????  ????????  ????????  ????????',
     'Hebrew': '???????????????????????????  ? ?  ???',
     'Arabic': '? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?',
     'IPA': 'p b t d t? d? ??c?k?q???  ??fv?sz???????x???????h?  m ?nn?????  ?? ???j?  ?r??? ?? ??  l l? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ??  ?w?? ? ?????  ?????  i y ???u  ???  e ???o  ? ?  ??????   ?  a ???  ???????  ???? ?   {\{IPA|+}}'

  charinsertDivider : "\240",

  extraCSS : '\
    #editpage-specialchars {\
      margin-top: 15px;\
      border-width: 1px;\
      border-style: solid;\
      border-color: #aaaaaa;\
      padding: 2px;\
    #editpage-specialchars a {\
    #editpage-specialchars a:hover {\

  appendExtraCSS : function ()

  cookieName : 'edittoolscharsubset',

  createEditTools : function (placeholder)
     var box = document.createElement("div"); = "editpage-specialchars";
     box.title = 'Click on the character or tag to insert it into the edit window';
     //append user-defined sets
     if (window.charinsertCustom)
    for (id in charinsertCustom)
       if (EditTools.charinsert[id]) EditTools.charinsert[id] += ' ' + charinsertCustom[id];
       else EditTools.charinsert[id] = charinsertCustom[id];

     //create drop-down select
     var prevSubset = 0, curSubset = 0;
     var sel = document.createElement('select'), id;
     for (id in EditTools.charinsert)
    sel.options[sel.options.length] = new Option(id, id);
     sel.selectedIndex = 0; = = 'left'; = '5px';
     sel.title = 'Choose character subset';
     sel.onchange = sel.onkeyup = selectSubset;

     //create "recall" switch
     if (window.editToolsRecall) {
    var recall = document.createElement('span');
    recall.appendChild(document.createTextNode('?')); // ?
    recall.onclick = function () {
       sel.selectedIndex = prevSubset;
    with ( { cssFloat = styleFloat = 'left'; marginRight = '5px'; cursor = 'pointer'; }

     // load latest selection from cookies
     try {
        var cookieRe = new RegExp ("(?:^|;)\\s*" + EditTools.cookieName + "=(\\d+)\\s*(?:;|$)");
        var m = cookieRe.exec(document.cookie);
        if (m && m.length > 1 && parseInt(m[1]) < sel.options.length)
           sel.selectedIndex = parseInt(m[1]);
     } catch (err) { /* ignore */ }

     placeholder.parentNode.replaceChild(box, placeholder);

     function selectSubset ()
    //remember previous (for "recall" button)
    prevSubset = curSubset;
    curSubset = sel.selectedIndex;
        //save into cookies for persistence
        try {
           var expires = new Date ();
           expires.setTime( expires.getTime() + 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 );  // + 30 days
           document.cookie = EditTools.cookieName + "=" + curSubset + ";path=/;expires=" + expires.toUTCString();
        } catch (err) { /* ignore */ }
    //hide other subsets
    var pp = box.getElementsByTagName('p') ;
    for (var i=0; i<pp.length; i++)
       pp[i].style.display = 'none';
    //show/create current subset
    var id = sel.options[curSubset].value;
    var p = document.getElementById(id);
    if (!p){
       p = document.createElement('p'); = id;
       if (id == 'Arabic' || id == 'Hebrew'){ = '120%'; p.dir = 'rtl'; }
       EditTools.createTokens(p, EditTools.charinsert[id]);
    } = 'inline';
  createTokens : function (paragraph, str)
     var tokens = str.split(' '), token, i, n;
     for (i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
    token = tokens[i];
    n = token.indexOf('+');
    if (token == '' || token == '_')
       addText(EditTools.charinsertDivider + ' ');
    else if (token == '\n')
    else if (token == '___')
    else if (token.charAt(token.length-1) == ':')  // : at the end means just text
    else if (n == 0) // +<tag>  ->   <tag>+</tag>
       addLink(token.substring(1), '</' + token.substring(2), token.substring(1));
    else if (n > 0) // <tag>+</tag>
       addLink(token.substring(0,n), token.substring(n+1));
    else if (token.length > 2 && token.charCodeAt(0) > 127) //a string of insertable characters
       for (var j=0; j < token.length; j++) addLink(token.charAt(j), '');
       addLink(token, '');

     function addLink (tagOpen, tagClose, name)
    var a = document.createElement('a');
    tagOpen = tagOpen.replace(/\./g,' ');
    tagClose = tagClose ? tagClose.replace(/_/g,' ') : '';
    name = name || tagOpen + tagClose;
    name = name.replace(/\\n/g,'');
    a.href = "javascript:insertTags('" + tagOpen + "','" + tagClose + "','')";
    addText(' ');
     function addBold (text)
    var b = document.createElement('b');
    b.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text.replace(/_/g,' ')));
    addText(' ');
     function addText (txt)
  enableForAllFields : function ()
     if (typeof (insertTags) != 'function' || window.WikEdInsertTags) return;
     // insertTags from the site-wide /skins-1.5/common/edit.js just inserts in the first
     // textarea in the document. Evidently, that's not good if we have multiple textareas.
     // My first idea was to simply add a hidden textarea as the first one, and redefine
     // insertTags such that it copied first the last active textareas contents over to that hidden
     // field, set the cursor or selection there, let the standard insertTags do its thing, and
     // then copy the hidden field's text, cursor position and selection back to the currently
     // active field. Unfortunately, that is just as complex as simply copying the whole code
     // from wikibits to here and let it work on the right text field in the first place.
     var texts = document.getElementsByTagName ('textarea');    
     for (var i = 0; i < texts.length; i++) {
    addHandler (texts[i], 'focus', EditTools.registerTextField);
     // While we're at it, also enable it for input fields
     texts = document.getElementsByTagName ('input');
     for (var i = 0; i < texts.length; i++) {
    if (texts[i].type == 'text') addHandler (texts[i], 'focus', EditTools.registerTextField);
     insertTags = EditTools.insertTags; // Redefine the global insertTags
  last_active_textfield : null,
  registerTextField : function (evt)
     var e = evt || window.event;
     var node = || e.srcElement;
     if (!node) return;
     EditTools.last_active_textfield =;
     return true;
  getTextArea : function ()
     var txtarea = null;
     if (EditTools.last_active_textfield && EditTools.last_active_textfield != "")
    txtarea = document.getElementById (EditTools.last_active_textfield);
     if (!txtarea) {
    // Fallback option: old behaviour
    if (document.editform) {
       txtarea = document.editform.wpTextbox1;
    } else {
       // Some alternate form? Take the first one we can find
       txtarea = document.getElementsByTagName ('textarea');
       if (txtarea.length > 0) txtarea = txtarea[0]; else txtarea = null;
     return txtarea;
  insertTags : function (tagOpen, tagClose, sampleText)
     var txtarea = EditTools.getTextArea ();
     if (!txtarea) return;
     var selText, isSample = false;

     function checkSelectedText ()
    if (!selText) {
       selText = sampleText; isSample = true;
    } else if (selText.charAt (selText.length - 1) == ' ') { // Exclude ending space char
       selText = selText.substring (0, selText.length - 1);
       tagClose += ' ';
     if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) { // IE/Opera
    // Save window scroll position
    var winScroll = 0;
    if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop)
       winScroll = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
    else if (document.body)
       winScroll = document.body.scrollTop;
    // Get current selection  
    var range = document.selection.createRange();
    selText = range.text;
    // Insert tags
    checkSelectedText ();
    range.text = tagOpen + selText + tagClose;
    // Mark sample text as selected
    if (isSample && range.moveStart) {
       if (window.opera) tagClose = tagClose.replace (/\n/g, "");
       range.moveStart( 'character', - tagClose.length - selText.length); 
       range.moveEnd ('character', - tagClose.length); 
    } ();   
    // Restore window scroll position
    if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop)
       document.documentElement.scrollTop = winScroll;
    else if (document.body)
       document.body.scrollTop = winScroll;
     } else if (txtarea.selectionStart || txtarea.selectionStart == '0') { // Mozilla
    // Save textarea scroll position
    var textScroll = txtarea.scrollTop;
    // Get current selection
    var startPos = txtarea.selectionStart;
    var endPos   = txtarea.selectionEnd;
    selText = txtarea.value.substring (startPos, endPos);
    // Insert tags
    checkSelectedText ();
    txtarea.value = txtarea.value.substring (0, startPos)
    + tagOpen + selText + tagClose
    + txtarea.value.substring (endPos);
    // Set new selection
    if (isSample) {
       txtarea.selectionStart = startPos + tagOpen.length;
       txtarea.selectionEnd = startPos + tagOpen.length + selText.length;
    } else {
       txtarea.selectionStart = startPos + tagOpen.length + selText.length + tagClose.length;
       txtarea.selectionEnd = txtarea.selectionStart;
    // Restore textarea scroll position
    txtarea.scrollTop = textScroll;
  }, // end insertTags
  setup : function ()
     var placeholder = document.getElementById("editpage-specialchars");
     if (!placeholder) return;  // has this already been run once?
     EditTools.appendExtraCSS ();
     EditTools.createEditTools (placeholder);
     EditTools.enableForAllFields ();

}; // end EditTools
// Do not use addOnloadHook; it runs *before* the onload event fires. At that time, onclick or
// onfocus handlers may not yet be set up properly.
hookEvent ('load', EditTools.setup);

// </source>