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<ol><li> Respond to pent up developer demand in the WikiMedia Foundation / MediaWiki community# E.g. [ Provide a web interface for customizing an MediaWiki instance and provisioning it in the cloud or locally] (phabricator issue T53782)# See the [ MediaWiki-Vagrant workboard] (phabricator)# post/insert the QualityBox project into these various communities / forums / mailing lists e.g.<li> The MWF has not met the need / demand of it's own constituents because they are 3rd-party# [ Have a MediaWiki vagrant role "production" which mirrors WMF production] (Phabricator issue T91787) started in Mar. 2015 Last updated at Nov. 2015# [ Examine ways to make using MediaWiki-Vagrant secure (or at least not wildly insecure) on a host exposed to the Internet] Software Engineer working for MWF gets site hacked because he used the only tool available to him: MediaWiki-Vagrant; outside the coddled (fire)walls of the WMF labs. <blockquote></blockquote></ol> == Funding / Marketing / Grow Community ==<ol><li> See about getting a grant from wikimedia for travel/presentation and/or getting sponsorship for the project itself<li>Put links to QualityBox in various online resources where it should be listed:</ol> == Business Strategy ==# Build partnership with Lex for development and marketing on a global scale Build a solution that other agencies will want to use; make it free for them to use until they invite their clients to pay for it (like Pantheon does)# '''Build a site like Fantasktic''' '''There are companies out there like Fantasktic who support WordPress. Who supports MediaWiki? We do'''## Study other Wiki Hosting services. Be familiar with the competition and the marketplace [[wp:Comparison of wiki hosting services|Comparison of wiki hosting services]]## [[wp:Wikia]] {{@todo}} know these from a strategy perspective, as well as a marketing perspective. How does QualityBox fill a need similar or distinct from these services. Know at least a superficial level how QualityBox service is better or different than these services - incorporate that into the marketing message (or "response" card).## [[wp:Wikispaces]]## [[wp:Wikidot]# Model QualityBox plans and pricing like WPEngine '''We are the hosting solution for MediaWiki''' WPEngine is the best managed WordPress hosting in the world. They have VC money and thousands of customers. Who does hosting for MediaWiki? We do.# Create hosting solution for MediaWiki sites while using Pantheon as a partner for Drupal and Wordpress hosting# How does CiviCRM fit into the picture?# Market as complement to Slack and better alternative to Microsoft Scarepoint. Pricing could be per seat tiers like Slack pricing; or host size based# [] is both interesting as an example for packaging/automation across multiple platforms (see their github) '''and''' also as a service to install for {{CompanyName}} and possibly for partners == Alternatives ===== Debian Packages ===You can now install 1.27 from Debian <ref></ref> Of course this only gives you the 'basic' extensions so it's not comparable, and it doesn't keep your installation updated etc. However, for some who are not ready for QualityBox, then it's a great alternative. You can browse the code at or clone it from<source lang="bash">sudo add-apt-repository ppa:legoktm/mediawiki-ltssudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install mediawiki</source> == Competitors == === ===The [ Roots guys] are doing for WordPress a lot of what I am doing for MediaWiki They are focused on the # platform (Trellis) app (Bedrock) # design/theme (Sage) ** [ Doing 16.04 on Digital Ocean] The founder is connected to a Real Estate Investor lead generating website platform (Agentmaster all over again) And they do radio/podcasting as a way to promote themselves: === BitNami === === ===Not even close. Israeli. Run by Rami Addady (but his LinkedIn page shows that he's doing a CRM business and hasn't touched this one in years. In fact it doesn't even list it.) Wow, they link to the discuss list as '''their''' "support forum"!! == Origins ==We had some early history that I didn't want, so to squash the repo to<pre>commit 49edee778eaba60f19ff8a736410a4a2856e3c4aAuthor: Greg Rundlett <>Date: Wed Aug 3 14:15:28 2016 -0400</pre> All I had to do was create a <code>.git/info/grafts</code> file with that SHA, and then run <pre>git filter-branchgit gc --prune=now</pre>That doesn't actually flow through to the bare repo or other clones, so I repeated the procedure in the bare repo and re-created the other clone for the control host The original playbook was based on work by Yosh de Vos ( and who cloned Igor Khomyakov (Igor Khomyakov is 'hostmaster' at github) Of course the whole project is more based on Cindy's work and Lex's work; plus Jeff Geerling and others like Protobox and MediaWiki-Vagrant. {{ReferencesDeprecated}}
