==Stuff I installed or was already installedDebian packages added==
#coriander (version 1.0.0-pre3-2) will be installed#dvgrab (version 1.6deb-1) will be installed#ftplib3 (version 3.1-1-5) will be installed#gscanbus (version 0.7.1-5) will be installed#libdc1394-10 (version 0.9.5-1) will be installed '''Coriander''' control IEEE1394 digital camera Coriander is a GUI that lets you control all the features of anIEEE-1394 Digital Camera complying with the DC Specifications v1.04 orlater (see [http://www.1394ta.org]). '''dvgrab''' Grab digital video data via IEEE1394 links
Grab digital video data via IEEE1394 links
dvgrab receives audio and video data from a digital camcorder via an
IEEE1394 (widely known as FireWire) link and stores them into one of
Quicktime DV, or a series of JPEG stills.
control '''gscanbus''' scan IEEE1394 digital cameraCoriander is a GUI that lets you control all the features of anIEEE-1394 Digital Camera complying with the DC Specifications v1.04 orlater (see http:/firewire/www.1394tai.orglink).bus
scan IEEE1394 (firewire/i.link) bus
gscanbus is a little bus scanning, testing and topology visualizing
tool for the Linux IEEE1394 subsystem, with some AV/C support,
especially for controlling Camcorders and VCRs. It is intended as a
debugging tool for IEEE1394 development, but can also be used to
simply check your IEEE1394 setup on Linux.(see [http://gscanbus.berlios.de/])
http://gscanbus.berlios.de/'''libdc1394''' high level programming interface for IEEE1394 digital camera
high level programming interface for IEEE1394 digital camera
libdc1394 is a library that is intended to provide a high level
programming interface for application developers who wish to control
IEEE 1394 based cameras that conform to the 1394-based Digital Camera
Specification (found at [http://www.1394ta.org/]). This package contains shared libraries.
This package contains shared libraries.'''libraw1394''' library for direct access to IEEE 1394 bus (aka FireWire)
library for direct access to IEEE 1394 bus (aka FireWire)
libraw1394 is the only supported interface to the kernel side raw1394
of the Linux IEEE-1394 subsystem, which provides direct access to the
requiring a kernel driver for the protocol in question.
'''libavc1394''' control IEEE1394 audio/video devices
libavc1394 is a programming interface for the 1394 Trade Association AV/C
(Audio/Video Control) Digital Interface Command Set. It allows you to
remote control camcorders and similar devices connected to your computer
via an IEEE1394 (aka Firewire) link. This package includes the libraries needed to run executables using