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Tell people what books you are reading, or have enjoyed as well as those you might not have enjoyed so thoroughly.

When listing a book, if you use the ISBN number, the wiki will create an automatic link to several bookstores.

Where to buy books is an excellent choice for technical books. They have consistently proven to offer good service, the lowest prices, and an excellent website over the past several years. is defunct greg.rundlett (talk) 02:37, 28 May 2014 (UTC) Odd to see how I was on the web before, and how "mainstay" features of the technical community like have come and gone. Today it says the site is "relaunching soon".

Greg's Books

A while ago, I started entering all my book info into this wiki. However, I later discovered LibraryThing. is cool site that lets you quickly enter all your books, and creates a graphical bookshelf. Pretty neat.

Some of my books

Online Books

  1. Dive Into HTML 5 by Mark Pilgrim