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268 bytes removed ,  02:05, 28 October 2015
remove confusion
self::$_exportableFields[$cacheKeyString] = $fields;
<br /><br />
but a line later, because $status is false, $fields gets set to the stored value of $_exportableFields[$cacheKeyString] BUT inspecting that value in NetBeans before the assignment on line 1609,
<br /><br />
self::$_exportableFields[$cacheKeyString]; says it's type is array[117] but Netbeans only shows it as having 30 elements ????<br /><br />But, that must be some quirk of NetBeans because after the assignment, $fields is indeed an array with 117 elements
<br /><br />
later we get to __construct() in CRM/Contact/BAO/Query.php but $fields is null, so on line 445
