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1,459 bytes added ,  11:32, 28 August 2019
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I created a [ project directory] ~/src/qb3 where I also installed DebOps. The monorepo installed in the debops/ subdirectory of a given DebOps project directory will take precedence over the one installed globally in ~/.local/share/debops/debops/ or included in the Python package. <ref></ref>
To bootstrap my first host, I ran <tt>debops bootstrap -u root --limit labs</tt>, but it would fail on <tt>'/usr/bin/python: not found'</tt>. By specifying that the remote host should use python3, it succeeded.
<source lang=ini>
ansible_python_interpreter='/usr/bin/env python3'
# greg-desk ansible_connection=local
Next, I ran the common playbook with <tt>debops common -u root --limit labs</tt>, but that failed trying to download some secrets (error message below). Re-running the command succeeded.
TASK [debops.pki : Download private realm contents by host] ************************************************************************************************
An exception occurred during task execution. To see the full traceback, use -vvv. The error was: If you are using a module and expect the file to exist on the remote, see the remote_src option
failed: [labs] (item={u'default_subdomains': [u'labs', u'*.labs', u'_wildcard_'], u'name': u'domain', u'acme': False}) => {"changed": false, "item": {"acme": false, "default_subdomains": ["labs", "*.labs", "_wildcard_"], "name": "domain"}, "msg": "Could not find or access '/home/greg/src/qb3/ansible/inventory/../secret/pki/realms/by-host/' on the Ansible Controller.\nIf you are using a module and expect the file to exist on the remote, see the remote_src option"}
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