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mark OD extensions
| What does it do?
| Maintenance / Last release
| Meza?Yes| QB?Yes| UNUSED?Yes
| PdfHandler
| [ PipeEscape]| Bundled?| What does it do? The Pipe Escape extension allows for pipe characters in parser function arguments (and template argument calls) avoid being interpreted as an argument delimiter. This is primarily for the purpose of using wiki tables (or parts thereof) inside parser function calls or templates. | Maintenance / Last release Old but stable| In Meza?| QB?In QualityBox| UNUSED?Included via DcsSetup
| Poem
| []| Bundled?| What does it do? The SimpleMathJax extension enables MathJax, a Javascript library, for typesetting TeX formula in MediaWiki inside math environments. This extension will load resources from on all wiki pages that have math or chem tags.| Maintenance / Last release Regular maintenance| Meza?Yes| QB?Yes| UNUSED?included by DcsSetup.php
| SpamBlacklist
| Meza?
| QB?
| UNUSED?yes
== Organic Design extensions ==
ONLY extensions marked with ** are actually used by DCS
# Accordian
# AddLinkClasses
# AjaxComments**
# ArticleProperties
# Bliki
# CurrentUsers
# Download
# EmailPage**
# EmailToWiki
# EximMailList
# ExtraMagic**
# FaceBook
# FileAttach
# HighlightJS
# InterWiki
# jQueryUpload**
# jQueryUpload2
# Ligmincha
# ODMaps
# OrganicDesign
# PdfBook**
# RecentActivity
# SimpleCalendar
# TransformChanges
# TreeAndMenu**
# UserLoginLog
# UserProfiles
