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Netdata will be part of the QualityBox dashboard.


System Locations

   - the daemon     at /usr/sbin/netdata
   - config files   in /etc/netdata
   - web files      in /usr/share/netdata
   - plugins        in /usr/libexec/netdata
   - cache files    in /var/cache/netdata
   - db files       in /var/lib/netdata
   - log files      in /var/log/netdata
   - pid file       at /var/run/
   - logrotate file at /etc/logrotate.d/netdata

Host Modifications

Check KSM (kernel memory deduper)

Memory de-duplication instructions

You have kernel memory de-duper (called Kernel Same-page Merging, or KSM) available, but it is not currently enabled.

To enable it run:

   echo 1 >/sys/kernel/mm/ksm/run
   echo 1000 >/sys/kernel/mm/ksm/sleep_millisecs

If you enable it, you will save 40-60% of netdata memory.


netdata by default listens on all IPs on port 19999. We add a rule to firewalld to allow 20000 and then pass that port through to the backend in haproxy config.

 http://this.machine.ip:20000/ =>


To stop netdata run: systemctl stop netdata

To start netdata run: systemctl start netdata

Installation extras

The configuration will send messages to 'root' so be sure to either edit the conf sudo vim /etc/netdata/health_alarm_notify.conf, or set vim /etc/aliases && newaliases