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no edit summary a quarter of a million installs as of early 2024 (just from packagist). Written largely by Ondřej Mirtes.
PHPStan seems more polished (perhaps because it's commercial and has a 'pro' version that adds a GUI) whereas [[phan]] is the original PHP static analysis tool Rasmus Ledorf uses.
==Analyzing in depth==
For an example of best-practices, single extension usage, see [ the example of Professional Wiki's Maps extension] which illustrates configuration file includes of a 'baseline'; error message suppression; and directory exclusions of problem code.
==Adding Extensions to PHPStan==
The PHPStan project has built a [[Composer]] plugin for the automatic installation of PHPStan extensions, [ phpstan/extension-installer].
All you have to do is <code>composer require --dev phpstan/extension-installer</code> in your project and then you can e.g. <code>composer require --dev phpstan/phpstan-phpunit</code> to also add the [ PHPUnit extension to PHPStan] rather than having to manually edit the <code>include</code> section of your phpstan.neon configuration.
There are extensions for Doctrine, PHPUnit, Symfony Framework, Mockery, Nette Framework, Laravel, Drupal, WordPress etc. See [ the extension library]