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726 bytes added ,  10:37, 15 April 2015
no edit summary
pdftk ~/Desktop/DOC033115.pdf cat 1-endodd output ~/Desktop/ProofOfLearning.pdf
=== Cleaning up Bank Statements ===
This is a long one, because Jack Henry sucks.
<source lang="bash">
# first download the statements, manually inserting a month digit for each one
# then rename the whole batch to something more intelligent
rename 's/E-Statement_/2014_ifs_/' E-Statement*
# turn on extended globbing
shopt -s extglob
# now you should be able to see the files you want
ll 2014_ifs_??.pdf
# use pdftk to combine them
pdftk 2014_ifs_??.pdf cat output 2014_ifs_summary.pdf
# and then keep only the pages you want
pdftk 2014_ifs_summary.pdf cat 1 3 5 7 9 14 15 17 18 20 22 24 26 28 output 2014_ifs_condensed.pdf
# and delete the monthly statement clutter
rm 2014_ifs_??.pdf
# unset
shopt -u extglob
