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917 bytes added ,  14:05, 24 July 2015
adds recipe for ignoring directory with exception
<source lang="bash">
git log --stat
How do you ignore a directory, but make an exception? What if you already added certain directories to git but want to stop tracking them now (ie. "take them out of version control")?
A combination of editting your <code>.gitignore</code> file and <code>git rm --cached</code> to the rescue. I had accidentally added and committed some files into git which should have been ignored because they are 3rd party files managed by [[Composer]]. I fixed my <code>.gitignore</code> to track only what I want while ignoring a parent directory:
# ignore everything in the 'vendor' directory
# but don't ignore the 'eqt' directory
Then you simply remove all files from git's index, and add them back (only now adding them back will look to .gitignore for the corrected rules)
<source lang="bash">
git rm -r --cached .
git add .
git commit -m 'ignoring vendor/*'
