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533 bytes added ,  13:07, 22 September 2016
notes about getting it
=== Getting it ===
<source lang="bash"># prep# Stop any virtual machinesvagrant halt qualitybox cd ~/Downloadswget users can add it from -trusty_i386.debsudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/virtualbox repos, but when 3-5.0_5.0.26-108824-Ubuntu-trusty_i386.2 was released Oracle changed the namedeb</key so source>If you have to get a new key'conflict with virtualbox' error, remove the existing package and re-try the previous install command<code>sudo dpkg --remove virtualbox-4.3</code>
You may also need to upgrade vagrant E.g. VirtualBox GUI runs fine, but 'vagrant up' does not. This happened to me when my installed version of vagrant 1.7.1 only supported VirtualBox <= 4.3. Upgrading to vagrant 1.8.5 added support for VirtualBox 5.x
<source lang="bash">
wget sudo dpkg -q http:i /home/greg/Downloads/ -O- | sudo apt-key add -deb
=== VBoxManage ===
