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451 bytes added ,  17:12, 4 February 2016
adds a little one-liner for printing out your capture lines if you already have an array of your custom values.
=== Smarty ===
For PHP programmers, one of the oldest and well-known template systems (aside from building your own using includes) is the [ Smarty] system. For a quick overview, see [[wp:Smarty]] There is also a crash course on the Smarty website in addition to the [ documentation]
==== Smarty in CiviCRM ====
As of Feb. 2016, Civi uses Smarty v2
Something like this little one-liner can help to generate your Smarty captures if you have a long list of custom variables
<source lang="php">
php -r 'include ("/var/www/"); $stack="stats"; $vars = getHaystack($stack); foreach ($vars as $k=>$v) {print "{capture assign=$k}{{$stack}.$k}{/capture}\n";};';
=== Drupal ===
Offers a choice of template systems
