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Unicode tricks

Revision as of 15:19, 13 January 2016 by Freephile (talk | contribs) (using HTML-entities for Unicode)

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The current editor on this wiki is NOT unicode safe. Unicode characters will be replaced by ? in the editor. You can copy/paste Unicode into the editor and it will save properly, but you won't be able to edit the article properly. As a work-around, you could view the article in one window and edit the article in another so that you can copy/paste back the Unicode characters. As a more permanent solution, we're using the HTML-entity equivalents until we can make the editor Unicode safe.

Sometimes you just want a character that is not a standard letter, that will show up in email or a webpage. For example, we made this handy 'Used Car Buying Checklist' without any HTML forms by simply using the Unicode character for a checkbox.

☐ ☑ ☒

The standardized Unicode characters that best represent a checkbox are:

☐, U+2610 Ballot box
☑, U+2611 Ballot box with check
☒, U+2612 Ballot box with X

If you don't have a Unicode-safe editor you can use the HTML entity equivalent:

See also

wp:Checkbox Fonts I18n