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Lobster Dinner with family plus Donna and Kelsey

Who am I?

I'm Greg Rundlett (aka freephile).

Why am I building this website?

I'm a Free Software advocate, and so it is important in my life to not only adopt Free Software in my own consumption of technology, but also to help others do the same. This website helps me to not only record (and remember) the things that I learn, but also helps me to share that information with everybody else. You can join me, since editing is open to all.

On a local level, I hope that this website serves as a focal point for the vibrant and expert pool of resources in the area. If successful, this would provide greater visibility to both the people who work with free technology, and the businesses, schools, groups and other organizations that need help from those people.

Site Goals provides more details about the vision for this website.

What do I do with my time?

While online, I'm busy keeping up to date on roughly a dozen different high-profile Open Source projects from PHP to OpenOffice to the GIMP. Interests describes some of the technology, hardware and/or software-related things that occupy my time. While offline, I'm usually either working on home construction / landscaping projects or playing with Max and Gabe. As often as possible, the whole family takes off to enjoy the swimming, hiking and skiing at Moose Pond.