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599 bytes added ,  12:50, 3 January 2019
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== Secure Shell Key Authentication ==
Setting up SSH Key Authentication allows a user account to connect from one server to another without requiring a password login. This can be utilized for applications (e.g. Nagios monitoring other servers), as well as for publish scripts that move files around servers as well as individual users.
== SSH Agent ==
The SSH Agent is a program that holds your keys in memory so that it can present them automatically for you when connecting to remote hosts. Assume you are connecting from host A through B to host C. If agent forwarding is allowed by the intermediary host, then your private keys can be used to connect to host 'C' without revealing the private key to host 'B'. Even if you are connecting directly to a remote host, the agent can store the right keys (assuming that you use more than one.)
<source lang="bash">
eval $(ssh-agent) && ssh-add ~/.ssh/eQualityTech-Test.pem
== Desktop Applications ==