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From QualityBox Wiki
- Authentication (category Security)What options exist for authentication into QualityBox? Virtually any authentication system supported by Apache. So, whether your organization runs a Kerberos1 KB (164 words) - 18:13, 30 May 2018
- The emphasis is on a complete feature set, quality, performance, and security that is turn-key, simple to use, and supported. Free SSL included. https://wiki758 bytes (99 words) - 09:43, 8 August 2019
- layouts New dashboards Top to Bottom security upgrades Free SSL certificates Subdomain-based wiki farms And LOTS more. Security options with Two-factor authentication1 KB (131 words) - 12:54, 30 August 2018
- what the site/project will achieve for you. Eg. increase engagement update security improve branding add features attract audience for related revenue generators4 KB (707 words) - 21:24, 1 May 2018