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270 bytes added ,  22:24, 1 May 2018
minor changes to budget section
== Business Goals ==
We need to know what the site/project will achieve for you. (increasing ;Eg. ::increase engagement, :update security, :improve branding, :add features, :attract audience for other related revenue generators, :meet requirements for grant-funded work, (or other compliance):allow for collaboration and documentation among staff/participants):documentation [[Category:Break into a list]]
== Type of wiki, Size and Scope ==
== Budget ==
What is your current annual personnel spend on the site? Vendor costs? What is the expected budget range for a) build b) maintain? What are you planning to spend on this project? Contrary to popular belief, you should not try to hide your budget from your vendor. Being upfront about the amount of money you have to spend, or expect to spend greatly helps reach a proper match with your vendor. You For analogy, you can purchase a car for $5,000, $50,000 or $500,000. They all come with tires, brakes, seats and a steering wheel and will get you from point A to point B. But obviously the demands /expectations of the buyer will be very different. And the product / technology will be very different.
* < $5,000
* $5,000 - 30,000