AWS Solutions Architect/training/Section 8: AWS Storage Services
From Freephile Wiki
- 86. Introduction
- 87. Amazon EBS Deployment and Volume Types
- 88. Amazon EBS Copying, Sharing and Encryption
- 89. EBS vs instance store
- 90. Amazon EFS Refresher
- 91. [HOL] Working with Files on EFS
- 92. Amazon S3 Overview
- 93. Amazon S3 Storage Classes
- 94. Amazon S3 Lifecycle Policies
- 95. [HOL] Configure Replication and Lifecycle
- 96. S3 Versioning and Replication
- 97. S3 Encryption
- 98. [HOL] Enforce Encryption with AWS KMS
- 99. S3 Presigned URLs
- 100. Server Access Logging
- 101. [HOL] S3 Event Notifications
- 102. AWS Storage Gateway