Adding MP3 support to FC2
From Freephile Wiki
The following information was found on Fedora Forums
I followed the instructions there successfully, and recorded the steps here for future reference.
First, make sure your xmms version is updated
yum update xmms
Then, add to your yum repository list
vi /etc/yum.conf # Add this info [livna-stable] - Fedora Compatible Packages (stable) baseurl=$releasever/$basearch/yum/stable gpgcheck=1
Next, insert Livna's GPG Key into keyring
rpm --import
Then, you're all set to install the mp3 plugin
yum install xmms-mp3
When that's done, fire up xmms, and edit the preferences (Ctrl + P) to disable the placeholder [null] input plugin, and enable the new MPEG Layer 1/2/3 input plugin