From Freephile Wiki
This simple script was used to merge all the settings files for my wiki in Meza
$m_deploy = '/opt/.deploy-meza';
$wikiId = 'wiki'; // wiki or meta
echo "// begin PRE LOCAL SETTINGS content\n\n";
# (1) Load all PHP files in preLocalSettings.d for all wikis
echo "// dumping contents of global preLocalSettings.d\n\n";
foreach ( glob("$m_deploy/public/preLocalSettings.d/*.php") as $filename) {
echo "// begin contents of $filename\n";
print file_get_contents($filename);
echo "// end contents of $filename\n\n";
# (2) Load all PHP files in preLocalSettings.d for this wiki
echo "// dumping contents of preLocalSettings.d for $wikiId\n\n";
foreach ( glob("$m_deploy/public/wikis/$wikiId/preLocalSettings.d/*.php") as $filename) {
echo "// begin contents of $filename\n";
print file_get_contents($filename);
echo "// end contents of $filename\n\n";
echo "// end of PRE LOCAL SETTINGS\n";