From Freephile Wiki

What does DNF stand for?

Did Not Finish?
No, that's a status for someone who drops out of a Disc Golf tournament.

DNF (software) is the successor to Yum - a package manager for .rpm-based Linux distributions.

In RHEL, and by extension, AlmaLinux and Rocky Linux, yum is an alias for dnf. So you're using dnf even if you think you're using yum! dnf has been around since 2013 and became default in 2015.


See man dnf.conf

DNF Command Reference

The Rocky Linux wiki has info on their package repositories and also version policy https://wiki.rockylinux.org/rocky/repo/#version-policy

Commands Cheatsheet[edit]

Reclaim space from DNF caches[edit]

sudo dnf clean dbcache
sudo dnf clean packages
sudo dnf clean all

How to Install a Specific Version of a software package[edit]

sudo dnf list installed elasticsearch
sudo dnf list elasticsearch --showduplicates
sudo dnf remove elasticsearch kibana
sudo dnf erase elasticsearch kibana
sudo dnf list installed elasticsearch
sudo dnf install dnf-command(versionlock)
sudo dnf search ansible
sudo dnf list ansible
sudo dnf versionlock add ansible
sudo dnf versionlock list

List all installed packages from a given repo[edit]

dnf repo-pkgs epel list installed or repoquery -a --repoid=REPONAME

More DNF commands[edit]

dnf repolist - shows your package repositories dnf repoinfo - shows greater detail about your package repositories dnf list - shows all installed and available packages (and where they came from) dnf list --available - add the qualifier to specify dnf list --installed

DNF with Ansible[edit]

The dnf config-manager and crb are helper utilities so that one does not have to edit the /etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo files directly. (Most files there are installed by packages and never need edits.)

One option for repo is skip_if_unavailable

If using Ansible for configuration management, there's no reason you can't manage your package repositories with Yaml

Put a task like below in a playbook and populate repositories_thirdparty. The play will ensure the repo definitions and the configuration is now GitOps friendly.

- name: Define third-party repositories
    name:            "{{ item.name }}"
    file:            "{{ item.file | default(omit) }}"
    description:     "{{ item.description }}"
    mirrorlist:      "{{ item.mirrorlist | default(omit) }}"
    baseurl:         "{{ item.baseurl | default(omit) }}"
    metalink:        "{{ item.metalink | default(omit) }}"
    cost    :        "{{ item.cost | default(omit) }}"
    failovermethod:  "{{ item.failovermethod | default(omit) }}"
    gpgkey:          "{{ item.gpgkey | default(omit) }}"
    metadata_expire: "{{ item.metadata_expire | default(omit) }}"
    exclude:         "{{ item.exclude | default(omit) }}"
    gpgcheck:        "{{ item.gpgcheck | default(true) }}"
    repo_gpgcheck:   "{{ item.repo_gpgcheck | default(omit) }}"
    enabled:         "{{ item.enabled | default(false) }}"
    skip_if_unavailable: "{{ item.skip_if_unavailable | default(omit) }}"
  when: lookup('vars', 'use_' + item.id)
  loop: "{{ repositories_thirdparty }}"
    label: "{{ item.name }}"
