See the Drupal/cheatsheet
See also Using git with drupal
Upgrade[edit | edit source]
You need to upgrade Drupal like you brush your teeth... at least once or twice a day.
cd /var/www/
drush vset maintenance_mode 1
~/bin/ civicrm
~/bin/ drupal
cp .htaccess .htaccess.mine
drush up
mv .htaccess.mine .htaccess
drush vset maintenance_mode 0
Upgrading from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8[edit | edit source]
# Start a new Drupal Project
# Use composer to create a new Drupal project based on the 'recommended-project' project.
composer create-project drupal/recommended-project:^8 /var/www/
# Add .gitignore and
apt install -y php git etckeeper unzip php-dom php-gd php-mbstring
# visit and get composer
mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
# require Drush
composer require drush/drush
composer require drupal/migrate_upgrade:^3
# setup stanza for old site in settings.php
vim /var/www/
# setup SSH tunnel to the old server
ssh -L
- Jeff Geerling's video series
Module inventory[edit | edit source]
Package | Name | Type | Version |
Administration | Administration menu (admin_menu) | Module | 7.x-3.0-rc6 |
Administration | Module Missing Message Fixer (module_missing_message_fixer) | Module | 7.x-1.8 |
Chaos tool suite | Chaos tools (ctools) | Module | 7.x-1.15 |
CiviCRM | CiviCRM (civicrm) | Module | 7.x-5.23.3 |
CiviCRM | CiviCRM Theme (civicrmtheme) | Module | 7.x-5.23.3 |
CiviCRM | eQuality Technology Custom Module (eqt) | Module | 1 |
CiviCRM | Webform CiviCRM Integration (webform_civicrm) | Module | 7.x-4.28 |
Context | Context (context) | Module | 7.x-3.10 |
Context | Context Keywords (context_keywords) | Module | 7.x-1.0-beta1 |
Context | Context layouts (context_layouts) | Module | 7.x-3.10 |
Context | Context UI (context_ui) | Module | 7.x-3.10 |
Core | Block (block) | Module | 7.7 |
Core | Color (color) | Module | 7.7 |
Core | Comment (comment) | Module | 7.7 |
Core | Contact (contact) | Module | 7.7 |
Core | Contextual links (contextual) | Module | 7.7 |
Core | Dashboard (dashboard) | Module | 7.7 |
Core | Database logging (dblog) | Module | 7.7 |
Core | Field (field) | Module | 7.7 |
Core | Field SQL storage (field_sql_storage) | Module | 7.7 |
Core | Field UI (field_ui) | Module | 7.7 |
Core | File (file) | Module | 7.7 |
Core | Filter (filter) | Module | 7.7 |
Core | Help (help) | Module | 7.7 |
Core | Image (image) | Module | 7.7 |
Core | List (list) | Module | 7.7 |
Core | Locale (locale) | Module | 7.7 |
Core | Menu (menu) | Module | 7.7 |
Core | Node (node) | Module | 7.7 |
Core | Number (number) | Module | 7.7 |
Core | Options (options) | Module | 7.7 |
Core | Overlay (overlay) | Module | 7.7 |
Core | Path (path) | Module | 7.7 |
Core | PHP filter (php) | Module | 7.7 |
Core | Poll (poll) | Module | 7.7 |
Core | RDF (rdf) | Module | 7.7 |
Core | Search (search) | Module | 7.7 |
Core | Shortcut (shortcut) | Module | 7.7 |
Core | Statistics (statistics) | Module | 7.7 |
Core | System (system) | Module | 7.7 |
Core | Taxonomy (taxonomy) | Module | 7.7 |
Core | Testing (simpletest) | Module | 7.7 |
Core | Text (text) | Module | 7.7 |
Core | Toolbar (toolbar) | Module | 7.7 |
Core | Update manager (update) | Module | 7.7 |
Core | User (user) | Module | 7.7 |
Date/Time | Date (date) | Module | 7.x-2.10 |
Date/Time | Date API (date_api) | Module | 7.x-2.10 |
Drupal for Facebook | Facebook API (fb) | Module | 7.x-3.4 |
Drupal for Facebook | Facebook Apps (fb_app) | Module | 7.x-3.4 |
Drupal for Facebook | Facebook Connect (fb_connect) | Module | 7.x-3.4 |
Features | Features (features) | Module | 7.x-2.11 |
Fields | Dereference list (dereference_list) | Module | 7.x-1.x-dev |
Fields | Entity Reference (entityreference) | Module | 7.x-1.5 |
Fields | Field Group (field_group) | Module | 7.x-1.6 |
Fields | Machine name (machine_name) | Module | 7.x-1.0 |
General Data Protection Regulation | General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (gdpr) | Module | 7.x-1.0-alpha12 |
General Data Protection Regulation | General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - Obfuscated SQL Dump (gdpr_dump) | Module | 7.x-1.0-alpha12 |
Input filters | Image resize filter (image_resize_filter) | Module | 7.x-1.16 |
Janrain Engage | Janrain Engage Core (rpx_core) | Module | 7.x-2.6 |
Libraries | Grammar Parser Library (gplib) | Module | 7.x-1.1 |
Media | File Entity (file_entity) | Module | 7.x-2.27 |
Media | Media (media) | Module | 7.x-2.26 |
Media | Media Internet Sources (media_internet) | Module | 7.x-2.26 |
Media | Media WYSIWYG (media_wysiwyg) | Module | 7.x-2.26 |
Message | Message (message) | Module | 7.x-1.12 |
Microdata | Microdata (microdata) | Module | 7.x-1.0-beta2 |
Other | Advanced Help (advanced_help) | Module | 7.x-1.6 |
Other | Backstretch (backstretch) | Module | 7.x-2.0-beta1 |
Other | Backup and Migrate (backup_migrate) | Module | 7.x-2.8 |
Other | Checklist API (checklistapi) | Module | 7.x-1.2 |
Other | Conflict (conflict) | Module | 7.x-1.0 |
Other | CSS Injector (css_injector) | Module | 7.x-1.10 |
Other | Entity API (entity) | Module | 7.x-1.9 |
Other | Entity tokens (entity_token) | Module | 7.x-1.9 |
Other | EU Cookie Compliance (eu_cookie_compliance) | Module | 7.x-1.32 |
Other | Field Extra Widgets (field_extrawidgets) | Module | 7.x-1.1 |
Other | General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - Consent Tracking (gdpr_consent) | Module | 7.x-1.0-alpha12 |
Other | Insert (insert) | Module | 7.x-1.4 |
Other | Libraries (libraries) | Module | 7.x-2.5 |
Other | Nodechanges (nodechanges) | Module | 7.x-1.0 |
Other | Nodes in block (nodesinblock) | Module | 7.x-1.0 |
Other | Pathauto (pathauto) | Module | 7.x-1.3 |
Other | Profile2 (profile2) | Module | 7.x-1.7 |
Other | Profile2 pages (profile2_page) | Module | 7.x-1.7 |
Other | Redirect (redirect) | Module | 7.x-1.0-rc3 |
Other | Redirect 403 to User Login (r4032login) | Module | 7.x-1.8 |
Other | Search 404 (search404) | Module | 7.x-1.6 |
Other | Strongarm (strongarm) | Module | 7.x-2.0 |
Other | Token (token) | Module | 7.x-1.7 |
Other | Token formatters (token_formatters) | Module | 7.x-1.2 |
Path management | Global Redirect (globalredirect) | Module | 7.x-1.6 |
SEO | Metatag (metatag) | Module | 7.x-1.27 |
SEO | SEO Checklist (seo_checklist) | Module | 7.x-4.1 |
SEO Compliance Checker | SEO Compliance Checker (seo_checker) | Module | 7.x-1.8 |
Service Links | Service links (service_links) | Module | 7.x-2.4 |
Social media | Social media (socialmedia) | Module | 7.x-1.0-beta16 |
Spam control | CAPTCHA (captcha) | Module | 7.x-1.7 |
Spam control | Image CAPTCHA (image_captcha) | Module | 7.x-1.7 |
Statistics | Google Analytics (googleanalytics) | Module | 7.x-2.6 |
Statistics | Google Analytics Contact Form (contact_google_analytics) | Module | 7.x-1.4 |
Statistics | Google Analytics Tokenizer (ga_tokenizer) | Module | 7.x-1.5 |
User interface | jQuery Update (jquery_update) | Module | 7.x-2.7 |
User interface | Options element (options_element) | Module | 7.x-1.12 |
User interface | Wysiwyg (wysiwyg) | Module | 7.x-2.6 |
Views | Views (views) | Module | 7.x-3.24 |
Views | Views UI (views_ui) | Module | 7.x-3.24 |
Webform | Webform (webform) | Module | 7.x-4.22 |
Widgets | Widgets (widgets) | Module | 7.x-1.0-rc1 |
Widgets | Widgets Service links (widgets_service_links) | Module | 7.x-1.0-rc1 |
XML sitemap | XML sitemap (xmlsitemap) | Module | 7.x-2.6 |
XML sitemap | XML sitemap custom (xmlsitemap_custom) | Module | 7.x-2.6 |
XML sitemap | XML sitemap engines (xmlsitemap_engines) | Module | 7.x-2.6 |
XML sitemap | XML sitemap menu (xmlsitemap_menu) | Module | 7.x-2.6 |
XML sitemap | XML sitemap node (xmlsitemap_node) | Module | 7.x-2.6 |
XML sitemap | XML sitemap taxonomy (xmlsitemap_taxonomy) | Module | 7.x-2.6 |
Core | Bartik (bartik) | Theme | 7.7 |
Core | CiviBartik (civi_bartik) | Theme | 7.x-1.0 |
Core | Garland (garland) | Theme | 7.7 |
Core | Seven (seven) | Theme | 7.7 |
Other | AT Admin (adaptivetheme_admin) | Theme | 7.x-3.4 |
Other | AT Commerce (at_commerce) | Theme | 7.x-3.0 |
Other | AT Core (adaptivetheme) | Theme | 7.x-3.4 |
Other | Bootstrap (bootstrap) | Theme | 7.x-3.26 |
Other | Bootstrap Business (bootstrap_business) | Theme | 7.x-1.1 |
Other | Omega (omega) | Theme | 7.x-3.1 |
Other | Zen (zen) | Theme | 7.x-5.6 |