
From Freephile Wiki

See the Drupal/cheatsheet

See also Using git with drupal

Upgrade[edit | edit source]

You need to upgrade Drupal like you brush your teeth... at least once or twice a day.

cd /var/www/equality-tech.com/www/drupal
drush vset maintenance_mode 1
~/bin/backup.db.sh civicrm 
~/bin/backup.db.sh drupal
cp .htaccess .htaccess.mine
drush up
mv .htaccess.mine .htaccess
drush vset maintenance_mode 0

Upgrading from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8[edit | edit source]


# Start a new Drupal Project
# Use composer to create a new Drupal project based on the 'recommended-project' project.
composer create-project drupal/recommended-project:^8 /var/www/equality-tech.com
# Add .gitignore and README.md

apt install -y php git etckeeper unzip php-dom php-gd php-mbstring
# visit getcomposer.org and get composer
mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

# require Drush
composer require drush/drush
composer require drupal/migrate_upgrade:^3
# setup stanza for old site in settings.php
vim /var/www/equality-tech.com/web/sites/default/default.settings.php
# setup SSH tunnel to the old server
ssh -L root@equality-tech.com


Module inventory[edit | edit source]

Package Name Type Version
Administration Administration menu (admin_menu) Module 7.x-3.0-rc6
Administration Module Missing Message Fixer (module_missing_message_fixer) Module 7.x-1.8
Chaos tool suite Chaos tools (ctools) Module 7.x-1.15
CiviCRM CiviCRM (civicrm) Module 7.x-5.23.3
CiviCRM CiviCRM Theme (civicrmtheme) Module 7.x-5.23.3
CiviCRM eQuality Technology Custom Module (eqt) Module 1
CiviCRM Webform CiviCRM Integration (webform_civicrm) Module 7.x-4.28
Context Context (context) Module 7.x-3.10
Context Context Keywords (context_keywords) Module 7.x-1.0-beta1
Context Context layouts (context_layouts) Module 7.x-3.10
Context Context UI (context_ui) Module 7.x-3.10
Core Block (block) Module 7.7
Core Color (color) Module 7.7
Core Comment (comment) Module 7.7
Core Contact (contact) Module 7.7
Core Contextual links (contextual) Module 7.7
Core Dashboard (dashboard) Module 7.7
Core Database logging (dblog) Module 7.7
Core Field (field) Module 7.7
Core Field SQL storage (field_sql_storage) Module 7.7
Core Field UI (field_ui) Module 7.7
Core File (file) Module 7.7
Core Filter (filter) Module 7.7
Core Help (help) Module 7.7
Core Image (image) Module 7.7
Core List (list) Module 7.7
Core Locale (locale) Module 7.7
Core Menu (menu) Module 7.7
Core Node (node) Module 7.7
Core Number (number) Module 7.7
Core Options (options) Module 7.7
Core Overlay (overlay) Module 7.7
Core Path (path) Module 7.7
Core PHP filter (php) Module 7.7
Core Poll (poll) Module 7.7
Core RDF (rdf) Module 7.7
Core Search (search) Module 7.7
Core Shortcut (shortcut) Module 7.7
Core Statistics (statistics) Module 7.7
Core System (system) Module 7.7
Core Taxonomy (taxonomy) Module 7.7
Core Testing (simpletest) Module 7.7
Core Text (text) Module 7.7
Core Toolbar (toolbar) Module 7.7
Core Update manager (update) Module 7.7
Core User (user) Module 7.7
Date/Time Date (date) Module 7.x-2.10
Date/Time Date API (date_api) Module 7.x-2.10
Drupal for Facebook Facebook API (fb) Module 7.x-3.4
Drupal for Facebook Facebook Apps (fb_app) Module 7.x-3.4
Drupal for Facebook Facebook Connect (fb_connect) Module 7.x-3.4
Features Features (features) Module 7.x-2.11
Fields Dereference list (dereference_list) Module 7.x-1.x-dev
Fields Entity Reference (entityreference) Module 7.x-1.5
Fields Field Group (field_group) Module 7.x-1.6
Fields Machine name (machine_name) Module 7.x-1.0
General Data Protection Regulation General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (gdpr) Module 7.x-1.0-alpha12
General Data Protection Regulation General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - Obfuscated SQL Dump (gdpr_dump) Module 7.x-1.0-alpha12
Input filters Image resize filter (image_resize_filter) Module 7.x-1.16
Janrain Engage Janrain Engage Core (rpx_core) Module 7.x-2.6
Libraries Grammar Parser Library (gplib) Module 7.x-1.1
Media File Entity (file_entity) Module 7.x-2.27
Media Media (media) Module 7.x-2.26
Media Media Internet Sources (media_internet) Module 7.x-2.26
Media Media WYSIWYG (media_wysiwyg) Module 7.x-2.26
Message Message (message) Module 7.x-1.12
Microdata Microdata (microdata) Module 7.x-1.0-beta2
Other Advanced Help (advanced_help) Module 7.x-1.6
Other Backstretch (backstretch) Module 7.x-2.0-beta1
Other Backup and Migrate (backup_migrate) Module 7.x-2.8
Other Checklist API (checklistapi) Module 7.x-1.2
Other Conflict (conflict) Module 7.x-1.0
Other CSS Injector (css_injector) Module 7.x-1.10
Other Entity API (entity) Module 7.x-1.9
Other Entity tokens (entity_token) Module 7.x-1.9
Other EU Cookie Compliance (eu_cookie_compliance) Module 7.x-1.32
Other Field Extra Widgets (field_extrawidgets) Module 7.x-1.1
Other General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - Consent Tracking (gdpr_consent) Module 7.x-1.0-alpha12
Other Insert (insert) Module 7.x-1.4
Other Libraries (libraries) Module 7.x-2.5
Other Nodechanges (nodechanges) Module 7.x-1.0
Other Nodes in block (nodesinblock) Module 7.x-1.0
Other Pathauto (pathauto) Module 7.x-1.3
Other Profile2 (profile2) Module 7.x-1.7
Other Profile2 pages (profile2_page) Module 7.x-1.7
Other Redirect (redirect) Module 7.x-1.0-rc3
Other Redirect 403 to User Login (r4032login) Module 7.x-1.8
Other Search 404 (search404) Module 7.x-1.6
Other Strongarm (strongarm) Module 7.x-2.0
Other Token (token) Module 7.x-1.7
Other Token formatters (token_formatters) Module 7.x-1.2
Path management Global Redirect (globalredirect) Module 7.x-1.6
SEO Metatag (metatag) Module 7.x-1.27
SEO SEO Checklist (seo_checklist) Module 7.x-4.1
SEO Compliance Checker SEO Compliance Checker (seo_checker) Module 7.x-1.8
Service Links Service links (service_links) Module 7.x-2.4
Social media Social media (socialmedia) Module 7.x-1.0-beta16
Spam control CAPTCHA (captcha) Module 7.x-1.7
Spam control Image CAPTCHA (image_captcha) Module 7.x-1.7
Statistics Google Analytics (googleanalytics) Module 7.x-2.6
Statistics Google Analytics Contact Form (contact_google_analytics) Module 7.x-1.4
Statistics Google Analytics Tokenizer (ga_tokenizer) Module 7.x-1.5
User interface jQuery Update (jquery_update) Module 7.x-2.7
User interface Options element (options_element) Module 7.x-1.12
User interface Wysiwyg (wysiwyg) Module 7.x-2.6
Views Views (views) Module 7.x-3.24
Views Views UI (views_ui) Module 7.x-3.24
Webform Webform (webform) Module 7.x-4.22
Widgets Widgets (widgets) Module 7.x-1.0-rc1
Widgets Widgets Service links (widgets_service_links) Module 7.x-1.0-rc1
XML sitemap XML sitemap (xmlsitemap) Module 7.x-2.6
XML sitemap XML sitemap custom (xmlsitemap_custom) Module 7.x-2.6
XML sitemap XML sitemap engines (xmlsitemap_engines) Module 7.x-2.6
XML sitemap XML sitemap menu (xmlsitemap_menu) Module 7.x-2.6
XML sitemap XML sitemap node (xmlsitemap_node) Module 7.x-2.6
XML sitemap XML sitemap taxonomy (xmlsitemap_taxonomy) Module 7.x-2.6
Core Bartik (bartik) Theme 7.7
Core CiviBartik (civi_bartik) Theme 7.x-1.0
Core Garland (garland) Theme 7.7
Core Seven (seven) Theme 7.7
Other AT Admin (adaptivetheme_admin) Theme 7.x-3.4
Other AT Commerce (at_commerce) Theme 7.x-3.0
Other AT Core (adaptivetheme) Theme 7.x-3.4
Other Bootstrap (bootstrap) Theme 7.x-3.26
Other Bootstrap Business (bootstrap_business) Theme 7.x-1.1
Other Omega (omega) Theme 7.x-3.1
Other Zen (zen) Theme 7.x-5.6