
From Freephile Wiki
powerful UX tools
powerful UX tools
Image shows: powerful UX tools
Description: Gadgets are enhancements to MediaWiki, made of javascript and CSS; but not written as full-blown extensions.
Notes: One of the best is the wikEd gadget implementation for the wikEd editor

This is a hand-editted information page. Be sure to check out the Special:Gadgets page for system info and the interface defintion page MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition.

Gadgets are enhancements to MediaWiki, made of javascript and CSS; but not written as full-blown extensions.

wikEd Homepage Discussion Translations Help Code

This wiki has several Gadgets that you can use.

  1. User:Cacycle/wikEd
  2. Snippets/Toggle_between_dropdown_menus_and_tabs MenuTabsToggle
  3. Wikipedia:HotCat

There are a ton of gadgets used on the WikiPedia site:

There are even gadgets for the Visual Editor


Visit your preferences (Gadgets tab) to modify which gadgets are turned on or off.


  1. Export the gadget from the wiki that has the gadget.
    1. E.g.
    2. Download the export / save the file locally
  2. Import the gadget to the new wiki that wants the gadget feature.
    1. E.g.
  3. Add the gadget to the gadgets-definition page
    1. E.g.