Here is a configuration I used during a quality audit for a large installed base of extensions
sample configuration for testing many extensions
# should make regular 'table' output also include clickable links for VSCode
editorUrl: 'vscode://file/%%file%%:%%line%%'
# should output a title to the link that you can copy/paste to your editor
editorUrlTitle: '%%relFile%%:%%line%%'
# phpVersion: 70400 # PHP 7.4
## Target a particular PHP version for compliance (really only works if your analysis is running that version)
phpVersion: 80100 # PHP 8.1
level: 5
- extensions/Arrays #4 (unknown class ExtRegexFun)
- includes
- languages
- maintenance
- mw-config
- resources
- vendor
- tests/common
- tests/parser
- tests/phpunit/mocks
- vendor
- *Factory*
- */lib/*
# - '#.+ no value type specified in iterable type .+#'
- '#ExtRegexFun#'
# - '#Constant [a-zA-Z0-9\\_]+ not found#'
PHPStan offers many 'output formats' (and you can write your own too). The 'raw' format is probably most like what you get from Phan