Software section

From Freephile Wiki

Every single item on this page will eventually be an article, series of articles, or even a complete section. Please jump in and start off a topic

This sort of list may be deprecated now that I know how to create dynamic page lists, and also use category displays on a page. Still, this serves as a "pages wanted" list, and so it will be around until it is replaced by something better.

Software Foundations[edit | edit source]

Software Foundations

Linux[edit | edit source]

Apache[edit | edit source]

See Apache

PHP[edit | edit source]

Getting PHP5 installed can be daunting. It still is not packaged for Debian stable. If you want a deb, add to your sources list.

Perl[edit | edit source]

Python[edit | edit source]

System Administration[edit | edit source]

Samba[edit | edit source]

Webmin[edit | edit source]

Graphics[edit | edit source]

GIMP[edit | edit source]

GNU Image Manipulation Program The free software equivalent to Adobe PhotoShop.

Fotoxx[edit | edit source]

Fotoxx is a photo library management and editing tool Videos of using Fotoxx

Shotwell[edit | edit source]

Shotwell is my primary photo management and publishing tool (publishes to Google Photos and others).

Shotwell lives all over the place on your system.

tail ~/.cache/shotwell/shotwell.log can help you figure out what's wrong

SodiPodi[edit | edit source]

Dia[edit | edit source]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Content Management[edit | edit source]

MediaWiki[edit | edit source]

Tiki[edit | edit source]

Email[edit | edit source]

SquirrelMail[edit | edit source]

Web Browsing[edit | edit source]

Mozilla[edit | edit source]

FireFox[edit | edit source]

Database[edit | edit source]


PostGres[edit | edit source]

phpMyAdmin[edit | edit source]

Search[edit | edit source]

Mnogosearch[edit | edit source]

Templating[edit | edit source]

Smarty[edit | edit source]