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This site uses Elasticsearch for it's search functionality under the hood.
|explainsimage= Search|description= This site uses Elasticsearch for the best possible search experience [[File:System-searchElasticsearch_logo.svg|linkimgdesc=Search|thumb|128px]]|notes=|tests=Search for something in "files" which indicates that PDF index results are returned instead of just articles. E.g. [w/index.php?title=Special:Search&profile=advanced&profile=advanced&fulltext=Search&search=ssh-agent&ns6=1|Search for 'ssh-agent' in the File namespace]|examples=
{{#set:feature description = This site uses Elasticsearch for an amazing search experience! }}
{{#set:feature notes = [ The What, Why and Advantages of Elasticsearch] }}
{{#set:feature tests = Search for something in "files" which indicates that PDF index results are returned instead of just articles. E.g.[ Search for 'ssh-agent' in the File namespace] }}
{{#set:feature examples = }}
This site uses Elasticsearch for it's search functionality under the hood.
== About ==
Elasticsearch is a distributed RESTful search engine built for the cloud. See I'd like to recommend the intro video <ref></ref> but you have to submit an email to view it. ( probably works)
== Community ==
There is a Discourse forum at
== Features ==
=== Search Tips ===
This wiki supports Elasticsearch features. So, for example, let's say you want to search for 'Ansible' in the wiki, but you know that there is an Ansible page, and you don't want to be taken directly to that page. Instead, you prefer to actually see all the [Special:Search search results for 'Ansible']. Just prefix your search term with the <code>~</code> character. Now when you press enter, you'll go to the search results page with a full listing of results. Use the <code>morelike:</code> special prefix [ morelike:Elasticsearch]  Use the <code>cirrusdump</code> action to see the document as ElasticSearch sees it [{{fullurl:{{PAGENAMEE}}|action=cirrusdump}}]. This is especially useful to test whether (new) documents are being indexed. Additional MediaWiki API methods like <code>cirrus-config-dump</code> are listed at [[mw:Extension:CirrusSearch#API]]
| text = Different indexes are created for the entire contents of the wiki. Each index is weighted differently. So, for example, "Lead-in" text is the wikitext between the top of the page and the first heading. Words found here are deemed more relevant to a users search query than the same word if found in the body text of an article. So, in this wiki, [{{fullurl:Special:Search|search=yaml|fulltext=Search}} searching for the word "YAML"] puts the [[Ansible]] article ahead of the [[Eclipse]] article in search results.
| type = success
| text = Content as well as all files uploaded into the system are indexed. For example, [{{fullurl:Special:Search|search=fai|fulltext=Search|profile=all}} a search for "FAI"] lists both the [[Cloning]] article as well as the [[:File:Fai poster a4.pdf|PDF file]] And the file is not listed only because of the file name, but also because of the (indexed) file content. [{{fullurl:S pecialSpecial:Search|search=ed%20roman|fulltext=Search|profile=all}} A search for "Ed Roman"] will bring up the Enterprise Java Beans Design Patterns PDF file ([{{fullurl:File:Ejbdesignpatterns.pdf|page=13}} see p. 13 where Ed Roman is mentioned].)}} {{Messagebox| type = warning| text = Elasticsearch performs poorly when JVM starts swapping: you should ensure that it ''never'' swaps. Set this property to true to lock the memory: <code>bootstrap.mlockall: true</code> (in /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml) Make sure that the <code>ES_MIN_MEM</code> and <code>ES_MAX_MEM</code> environment variables are set to the same value, and that the machine has enough memory to allocate for Elasticsearch, leaving enough memory for the operating system itself. You should also make sure that the Elasticsearch process is allowed to lock the memory, eg. by using <code>ulimit -l unlimited</code>.
== Video ==
* [ Building Elasticsearch: From Idea to {code} to Adoption] The back side of a napkin, a pen, and a few beverages are often the ingredients that yield good ideas. Elasticsearch had a different origin. It started with a need for a simple search box for a collection of recipes. '''Shay Banon''', creator of Elasticsearch and CTO at Elastic, shares the history behind pushing the code for his first open source project that led to the creation of Elasticsearch and it�s rapid adoption by users worldwide. -- ''RISE | August 2015''
== Troubleshooting ==
Make sure that you use the official packages from Elasticsearch, and NOT the Ubuntu packages. See below for the installation guide. Note that I had to actually un-comment and specify the as on an older setup (Version: 1.7.3, Build: NA/NA, JVM: 1.8.0_171 on Ubuntu 16.04). Plus, make sure that your firewall is allowing the ports 9200-9400. You can run the startup shell script directly to see what's wrong if there's no log output (and read the source for options): <code>/usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch</code>
Usage: /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch [-vdh] [-p pidfile] [-D prop] [-X prop]
Start elasticsearch.
-d daemonize (run in background)
-p pidfile write PID to <pidfile>
--help print command line options
-v print elasticsearch version, then exit
-D prop set JAVA system property
-X prop set non-standard JAVA system property
--prop val set elasticsearch property (i.e. -Des.<prop>=<val>)
For version 1.7 on Ubuntu 16.04, although the system uses SystemD, there is still a SysV init script that controls elasticsearch. I think this means that you can't get the logging info into the journalctl system... See /etc/init.d/elasticsearch According to the [ install guide], you should be able to edit the elasticsearch.service file, and take out the --quiet option to make it log to the journal. When that is enabled, you can do <code>journalctl --unit elasticsearch</code> to quickly see the info being logged.
== Production Configuration ==
ElasticSearch looks for a configuration file to include, and uses a search path for that include. You can specify it on the command-line; through an environment variable; or just make sure that your file is found in the search path. (My default was found at /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/
<source lang="bash">
# If an include wasn't specified in the environment, then search for one...
if [ "x$ES_INCLUDE" = "x" ]; then
# Locations (in order) to use when searching for an include file.
for include in /usr/share/elasticsearch/ \
/usr/local/share/elasticsearch/ \
/opt/elasticsearch/ \
~/ \
$ES_HOME/bin/ \
"`dirname "$0"`"/; do
if [ -r "$include" ]; then
. "$include"
# ...otherwise, source the specified include.
elif [ -r "$ES_INCLUDE" ]; then
== Elasticsearch for MediaWiki ==
; CirrusSearch : CirrusSearch is a MediaWiki extension that provides search support backed by Elasticsearch.
; Elasticsearch : is a Java application, so you need [[Java]] installed as well. As all these pieces continue to be developed and released, you must be sure to take heed of the requirements for matching the right versions together to compose your full setup.
== Elasticsearch for QualityBox ==
<source lang="haproxy">
# disallow PUT and DELETE methods through the web
# administrators will need to use local curl commands to bypass the load-balancer
# in the event that you want to delete indexes etc.
frontend elastic
bind *:9201
mode http
acl is_delete method DELETE
http-request deny if is_delete
acl is_put method PUT
http-request deny if is_put
default_backend elastic
backend elastic
mode http
option forwardfor
balance source
option httpclose
server es1 weight 1 check inter 1000 rise 5 fall 1
You can add multi-wiki search like so using [ $wgCirrusSearchEnableCrossProjectSearch], $wgCirrusSearchWikiToNameMap and $wgCirrusSearchInterwikiSources:
<source lang="php">
if ( $wikiId !== 'commons' ) {
$wgCirrusSearchEnableCrossProjectSearch = true;
$wgCirrusSearchWikiToNameMap = [
'commons' => 'wiki_commons',
$wgCirrusSearchInterwikiSources = [
'commons' => 'wiki_commons_content_first',
== Where is my Elasticsearch? ==
curl 'localhost:9200/_cluster/health?pretty=true'
curl 'localhost:9200/_cluster/state?pretty'
curl 'localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v'
The configuration for Elasticsearch is normally held in two files: <code>/etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml</code> and <code>/etc/elasticsearch/logging.yml</code>
== Starting / Stopping ==
If you are re-indexing your existing Meza installation, you can <code> sudo meza maint rebuild monolith --tags search-index</code>
== Monitoring ==
With the upgrade to Elasticsearch 5.x and 6.x, plugins are deprecated. It's suggested to use Kibana as a monitoring and management interface to Elasticsearch.
<img src="" />" type="image/svg+xml
<embed src="" type="image/svg+xml" height="20"/>
* Monitoring the Elastic Stack
* Monitoring Settings
* X-Pack monitoring
* Configuring Monitoring in Kibana
* Monitoring with [ Cerebro]
* You can still use [ elasticsearch-head] if you use an SSH reverse tunnel to access the remote server.
== Installation ==

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