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From Freephile Wiki
- your other computers, you could give it to your friends, share it with your family, inspect it, adapt it, improve it, and everybody else would be able to enjoy1 KB (192 words) - 20:45, 15 October 2015
- independent but uses conventions that are familiar to programmers of the C-family of languages, including C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, Python, and2 KB (251 words) - 17:02, 2 August 2016
- suitable for posting on the web, or burning them to DVD and CD for sharing with family and friends. I have a video camera and several tapes with movies on them4 KB (709 words) - 20:55, 20 January 2009
- Around this time of year, people share a lot of photos. Pictures of friends, family, the kids, their pets, their Christmas trees etc. The problem is that many4 KB (649 words) - 13:09, 12 November 2014
- apply the font-family */ .slogan { font-family: gillius-adf; } Now with either <div class="slogan">foo</div> or <div style="font-family:gillius-adf;">foo</div>10 KB (1,461 words) - 09:28, 24 September 2018
- AWS Application Migration Service (MGN) 200. AWS DataSync 201. AWS Snow Family 202. The 7 Rs of Migration 203. Architecture Patterns - Migration and Transfer272 bytes (38 words) - 17:21, 7 February 2024
- MD5 utility should be constant, independent of operating system. The SHA family of algorithms are replacing md5 as a more secure cryptographic method. SHA_hash_functions2 KB (214 words) - 09:50, 23 June 2009
- MediaWiki Exclude in print Export External link templates FOSS FSF Family Farm-Fresh emoticons Feature Features File message boxes File namespace899 bytes (791 words) - 09:14, 14 May 2020
- America�s back mole Rome burning in man form Donald Drumpf (Trump�s original family name) - "Last Week Tonight" host John Oliver Snake-oil salesman on �Little6 KB (906 words) - 20:20, 27 March 2018
- things that the kids learn and do, the promise of network computing for families and entire school systems is brought to life. The best thing of all is3 KB (419 words) - 22:12, 30 October 2008
- 21002821632, "uuid": "" } ], "ansible_nodename": "", "ansible_os_family": "Debian", "ansible_pkg_mgr": "apt", "ansible_processor": [ "GenuineIntel"99 KB (1,513 words) - 14:59, 13 May 2024
- you might already be using it without even knowing it. this is a list and Family Community Work Country is an ordered list. links are17 KB (1,986 words) - 07:50, 31 December 2018
- appends Email appends (clickable record UI) Mark as Deceased Search for 'family', cleanup Advanced Search Add New Contact Add Michelle to Board of Directors10 KB (1,490 words) - 10:46, 1 June 2016
- sUSLastName = "Last Name"; var sUSFirstName = "First Name"; var sWorldLastName = "Family Name"; var sWorldFirstName = "Given Name"; var sGeneralName = "Name"; var31 KB (3,573 words) - 22:09, 7 June 2017