
From Freephile Wiki

An old obscure tool, that still comes in handy.

See for a full list of commands. All these commands may not be available in your telnet, so once you login, you should just use the ? question mark to get help on the local system.

One weird part about telnet is that once you login, you have to hit the escape character sequence to actually get to a prompt. So if you see this:

Connected to qbucket.
Escape character is '^]'.

They you actually should press the Ctrl key (the caret character is notation for Control aka the Ctrl key... I don't know why) and the right square bracket key ^] Then you will see a telnet prompt:


On my QNAP NAS, the telnet offers these commands:

telnet> ?
Commands may be abbreviated.  Commands are:

close           close current connection
logout          forcibly logout remote user and close the connection
display         display operating parameters
mode            try to enter line or character mode ('mode ?' for more)
open            connect to a site
quit            exit telnet
send            transmit special characters ('send ?' for more)
set             set operating parameters ('set ?' for more)
unset           unset operating parameters ('unset ?' for more)
status          print status information
toggle          toggle operating parameters ('toggle ?' for more)
slc             set treatment of special characters

z               suspend telnet
environ         change environment variables ('environ ?' for more)