One-liners: Difference between revisions

Add Bash is Better section
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split --lines=10000 --numeric-suffixes --additional-suffix='.txt' BIG_FILE.txt little_file.
split --lines=10000 --numeric-suffixes --additional-suffix='.txt' BIG_FILE.txt little_file.
== "BASH is better" ==
Most job postings that focus on DevOps have requirements for [[Python]], [[Go]] programming or some other programming language. I disagree that a [[DevOps]] Engineer should also be a programmer. I prioritize quality and workmanship (craftsmanship) which is '''informed''' by broad experience, but '''honed''' by specialization. As a construction analogy, I prefer individual skilled trades over the general handyman approach. Simply put: DevOps is DevOps, it is not programming.  Worse, the requirement for the hot language of the day is a bigger tell-tale sign that the company is either posturing or doesn't know what they're doing. Back when when I first learned Perl (which isn't the hot new language anymore), there was a hilarious t-shirt that said "Be careful or I'll replace you with a line of code"<ref>Dave Jacoby agrees with me on the broad point that (programming) languages are just different domain dialects, and also cites the ThinkGeek t-shirt phrase "Go Away Or I Will Replace You With a Small Shell Script"</ref>. Although you ''could'' write the Python example more concisely, it is a real-world example of code that I found that does the same thing as 5 lines of BASH that I wrote.
[[BASH]] code to concatenate [[certbot]] certificates:<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
# $RENEWED_DOMAINS will contain a space-delimited list of renewed
# certificate domains (for example, ""
# loop through a dynamic list of directories in 'live'
# for SITE in $(find /etc/letsencrypt/live -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec basename {} \;)
# $RENEWED_LINEAGE will contain the live subdirectory
        # move to correct let's encrypt directory
        # cat files to make combined .pem for haproxy
        cat fullchain.pem privkey.pem > /etc/haproxy/certs/$SITE.pem
# reload haproxy
# systemctl reload haproxy
</syntaxhighlight>Python code to concatenate certbot certificates:<syntaxhighlight lang="python3">
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import re
import sys
# Certbot sets an environment variable RENEWED_LINEAGE, which points to the
# path of the renewed certificate. We use that path to determine and find
# the files for the currently renewed certificated
# If nothing renewed, exit
if not lineage:
# From the linage, we strip the 'domain name', which is the last part
# of the path.
result = re.match(r'.*/live/(.+)$', lineage)
# If we can not recognize the path, we exit with 1
if not result:
# Extract the domain name
domain =
# Define a path for HAproxy where you want to write the .pem file.
deploy_path="/etc/haproxy/ssl/" + domain + ".pem"
# The source files can be found in below paths, constructed with the lineage
# path
source_key = lineage + "/privkey.pem"
source_chain = lineage + "/fullchain.pem"
# HAproxy requires to combine the key and chain in one .pem file
with open(deploy_path, "w") as deploy, \
        open(source_key, "r") as key, \
        open(source_chain, "r") as chain:
# Here you can add your service reload command. Which will be executed after
# every renewal, which is fine if you only have a few domains.
# Alternative is to add the reload to the --post-hook. In that case it is only
# run once after all renewals. That would be the use-case if you have a large
# number of different certificates served by HAproxy.

[[Category:System Administration]]
[[Category:System Administration]]