Difference between revisions of "Icons"

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(link to Emoji list)
(adds syntax help for using icons)
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[[Help:Contents]] provides details about using graphics.
[[Help:Contents]] provides details about using graphics.
I formerly used the [[mw:Extension:Icon|Icon Extension]] before this functionality was included in newer versions of MediaWiki.
In order to provide more utility for using Icons and graphics as interface elements in this wiki, we've installed the [[mw:Extension:Icon|Icon Extension]] This creates a new "parser function" which simply means that the syntax for using graphics is easier.
== Installing Icons ==
== Usage ==
In order to get the Oxygen icons into this mediawiki system, I installed the icon set (well actually I think it came as a dependency with some kde4 application) which provides the compressed svg files.  Then I copied the compressed files to a temporary location where I could decompress them and import them.  Using the import tool provided by mediawiki, I batch imported the ~800 images.  I didn't categorize them, which had I known about categorizing images I would have done first, rather than later.  If you want to categorize your images on import, just add the category to the comment.
<source lang="bash">
{{#icon: image title | image alt text | image width | page to link to }}
find /usr/lib/kde4/share/icons/oxygen/scalable/ -name '*svgz' -exec cp {} /tmp/ \;
gunzip --suffix=svgz /tmp/*svgz
* Only the '''image title''' argument is required - the rest are optional.
for i in /tmp/*\.; do mv $i ${i}svg; done;
cd phase3/maintenance
{{#icon: Info.png|Info}} will display the Info.png icon in it's default size
php importImages.php --extensions=svg --user=Freephile --comment='Get the whole set at http://www.oxygen-icons.org' /tmp/
{{#icon: Info.png|Info|24}} will display the Info.png icon with a width of 24px
{{#icon: Info.png|Info|24|Special:Help}} same as above and clicking on it will link to Special:Help
== Creating Favicons and Application Icons ==
You can use [[Inkscape]] as a tool to create your web and application icons.
* [[wp:Favicon]]
* http://www.creativebloq.com/illustrator/create-perfect-favicon-12112760
* http://androidcookbook.com/Recipe.seam?recipeId=2549
== Emoji ==
See the list of official emoji at the Unicode Consortium website https://www.unicode.org/emoji/charts/emoji-list.html

Revision as of 10:13, 10 October 2008

Help:Contents provides details about using graphics.

In order to provide more utility for using Icons and graphics as interface elements in this wiki, we've installed the Icon Extension This creates a new "parser function" which simply means that the syntax for using graphics is easier.

Usage[edit | edit source]

 {{#icon: image title | image alt text | image width | page to link to }}
  • Only the image title argument is required - the rest are optional.
 {{#icon: Info.png|Info}} will display the Info.png icon in it's default size
 {{#icon: Info.png|Info|24}} will display the Info.png icon with a width of 24px
 {{#icon: Info.png|Info|24|Special:Help}} same as above and clicking on it will link to Special:Help