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615 bytes added ,  15:00, 27 September 2017
Created page with "A bookmarklet to view Phab tickets in a force-directed graph <pre><a href="javascript:(function(){javascript: (function() {var t = window.getSelection ? window.getSelection()..."
A bookmarklet to view Phab tickets in a force-directed graph

<pre><a href="javascript:(function(){javascript: (function() {var t = window.getSelection ? window.getSelection().toString() : document.selection.createRange().text;var re = /[\s\-T0-9]{1,6}/;var OK = re.exec(t);if (!OK) {alert(t + ' is not a valid Phab issue#\n Please just select a 1 - 6 digit Phab ticket #. With or without the "T"\ndashes and spaces are OK');} else {t = t.replace(/[\-\s]/, '');window.location = '' + t}})()})()">Visualize Phab ticket</a></pre>



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