The printable version is no longer supported and may have rendering errors. Please update your browser bookmarks and please use the default browser print function instead.

When using PHPUnit, you'll want to either read the --help on the console, or refer to the online version, e.g. PHPUnit (v9.6) command line options as well as the rest of the documentation including the Appendix sections such as configuration.

PHPUnit with VSCode

See PHPUnit/VSCode

For Semantic MediaWiki

First, refer to the Semantic MediaWiki website for info on Using PHPUnit

The notes below are my local additions or updates as I submit edits and Pull Requests to the canonical sources.

Test Suites

PHPUnit Test Suites are logical groups of files and/or directories that you can feed to PHPUnit for testing.

What are the test suites available to developers/testers in the SemanticMediaWiki codebase? The list-suites option will tell us.

php ../../tests/phpunit/phpunit.php -c phpunit.xml.dist --list-suites
# or since that entrypoint is deprecated, we should call composer phpunit
# and pass our additional command line parameters after a --
composer phpunit -- -c phpunit.xml.dist --list-suites
 - semantic-mediawiki-check 
 - semantic-mediawiki-data-model 
 - semantic-mediawiki-unit 
 - semantic-mediawiki-integration 
 - semantic-mediawiki-import 
 - semantic-mediawiki-structure 
 - semantic-mediawiki-benchmark
grepping the PHPUnit configuration file for the definition of the semantic-mediawiki-benchmark test suite

But where do those come from? What do they mean? What do they do? They are defined in phpunit.xml.dist so you could inspect that file for more details.

For example, in that file, we can see that the "benchmark" test suite will process all the PHPUnit tests defined in the tests/phpunit/Benchmark directory. (Aside if you didn't follow the link: you should execute the benchmark tests to compare master against your feature branch to catch performance regressions.)

To run the Semantic MediaWiki Unit test suite, and output a log in HTML format

php ../../tests/phpunit/phpunit.php -c phpunit.xml.dist --bootstrap tests/bootstrap.php --testsuite semantic-mediawiki-unit --testdox-html smw-unit-testdox.html

The text log is much more readable.

php ../../tests/phpunit/phpunit.php -c phpunit.xml.dist --bootstrap tests/bootstrap.php --testsuite semantic-mediawiki-unit --testdox-text smw-unit-testdox.txt

in a Docker Container

After you clone the code for SemanticMediaWiki and initialize the build submodule, you should be able to use make for various activities.
make bash
puts you into a bash shell as root in the wiki container

Change to the SMW directory if instead you are at the document root of /var/www/html
cd extensions/SemanticMediaWiki


Now you can manually interact with PHPUnit from the command line to accomplish precise objectives without having to wade through volumes of data and spend huge amounts of time waiting for entire test runs.

php ${MW_INSTALL_PATH:-../..}/tests/phpunit/phpunit.php -c phpunit.xml.dist --bootstrap tests/bootstrap.php --list-tests
lists the ~8800 tests such as:


If you pipe it through grep, you can filter out the tests you want to run:

|grep JSONScript

such as


But you can't simply pass these test names to the --filter option of PHPUnit when trying to run the tests. This
php ../../tests/phpunit/phpunit.php -c phpunit.xml.dist --bootstrap tests/bootstrap.php --filter SMW\Tests\Integration\JSONScript\JSONScriptTestCaseRunnerTest::testCaseFile"a-0001.json"

only produces the result

No tests executed!

because the value is not delimited and wouldn't work "as is". The required format of the --filter parameter is defined as basically equivalent to the __METHOD__ magic constant. Also, the expected parameter value is a pattern, so if not enclosed in delimiters, the '/' delimiter will automatically be added. See the v9.6 docs

From the docs, valid --filter parameter examples look like this:

--filter 'TestNamespace\\TestCaseClass::testMethod'
--filter 'TestNamespace\\TestCaseClass'
--filter TestNamespace
--filter TestCaseClass
--filter testMethod
--filter '/::testMethod .*"my named data"/'
--filter '/::testMethod .*#5$/'
--filter '/::testMethod .*#(5|6|7)$/'

So, to properly invoke the above test, you could add single quotes and explicit delimiters with the name of the method plus use a wildcard in the pattern: php ../../tests/phpunit/phpunit.php -c phpunit.xml.dist --bootstrap tests/bootstrap.php --filter '/::testCaseFile .*0001.json/'

or broaden the scope with a "pattern" that matches the class name - in which case all such tests would run (about 300).

php ../../tests/phpunit/phpunit.php -c phpunit.xml.dist --bootstrap tests/bootstrap.php --filter JSONScriptTestCaseRunnerTest

This form - using single quotes, with explicit pattern delimiters and just a short string - matches the same set of tests in our case.

php ../../tests/phpunit/phpunit.php -c phpunit.xml.dist --bootstrap tests/bootstrap.php  --filter '/JSONScript/'


Tests: 338, Assertions: 5818, Failures: 12, Skipped: 21, Risky: 2.