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Sloc Cloc and Code or simply SCC (aka Succinct Code Counter) is a tool similar to those before it for counting the lines of code, blank lines, comment lines, and physical lines of source code in many programming languages.

Goal is to be the fastest code counter possible, but also perform COCOMO calculation like sloccount and to estimate code complexity similar to cyclomatic complexity calculators. In short one tool to rule them all.

Why?[edit | edit source]

Why use scc?

  1. It is very fast and gets faster the more
  2. CPU you throw at it
  3. Accurate
  4. Works very well across multiple platforms without slowdown (Windows, Linux, macOS)
  5. Large language support
  6. Can ignore duplicate files
  7. Has complexity estimations
  8. You need to tell the difference between Coq and Verilog in the same directory
  9. cloc yaml output support so potentially a drop in replacement for some users
  10. Can identify or ignore minified files
  11. Able to identify many #! (shebang) files ADVANCED!
  12. Can ignore large files by lines or bytes

Example: Meza[edit | edit source]

Meza is a complex and powerful software system worth approximately $2.7 million dollars

(average salary = $116,393/year, overhead = 2.40).

The table below shows a breakdown using the Succinct Code Counter (scc) tool

C:\Users\greg\go\bin\scc --avg-wage 116393 ./src/meza

Language       Files   Lines  Blanks Comments   Code  Complexity

YAML             128    9361   1306      1552   6503          0
Jinja             75    7749   1533        16   6200        290
Shell             26    1883    377       521    985        136
Plain Text        14    1076    166         0    910          0
PHP               10    3747    636       486   2625        242
Markdown           7     744    236         0    508          0
Dockerfile         4     167     16         9    142         58
JavaScript         4   22950   1971      1307  19672       3170
SQL                3    1931    398       879    654          0
Python             2    1277     68        35   1174         42
CSS                1     641    129        30    482          0
INI                1       1      0         0      1          0
License            1      22      5         0     17          0
gitignore          1       7      2         1      4          0

Total            277   51556   6843      4836  39877       3938

Estimated Cost to Develop (organic) $2,678,601
Estimated Schedule Effort (organic) 15.17 months
Estimated People Required (organic) 7.58

Processed 1900090 bytes, 1.900 megabytes (SI)

Example: Semantic MediaWiki[edit | edit source]

scc --avg-wage 116393 .\SemanticMediaWiki\

Language                 Files     Lines   Blanks  Comments     Code Complexity
PHP                       2116    371230    74713     80031   216486      11026
JSON                       683     91494       10         0    91484          0
Markdown                   194     12278     2656         0     9622          0
JavaScript                  81     44002     5918     12419    25665       4789
Plain Text                  56      3607       45         0     3562          0
CSS                         41     10073     1351      1179     7543          0
XML                         23      2602       86         9     2507          0
CSV                         12        47        0         0       47          0
YAML                         7       303       41        28      234          0
Shell                        6       493      111        85      297         61
License                      2       695      122         0      573          0
Properties File              1        53       12        26       15          0
SQL                          1         6        0         0        6          0
gitignore                    1        31        6         1       24          0
Total                     3224    536914    85071     93778   358065      15876
Estimated Cost to Develop (organic) $26,841,662
Estimated Schedule Effort (organic) 36.43 months
Estimated People Required (organic) 31.65
Processed 17623327 bytes, 17.623 megabytes (SI)

Example MediaWiki[edit | edit source]

scc --avg-wage 116393 .\mediawiki\

Language                 Files     Lines   Blanks  Comments     Code Complexity
PHP                       4713   1041286   102638    277925   660723      41989
JSON                      1504   1132757      124         0  1132633          0
SVG                       1145      5527       10        10     5507          0
JavaScript                 723    212783    20183     46153   146447      21323
SQL                        229     10400      942       553     8905          4
CSS                        216     14053      585       775    12693          0
LESS                       172     13211     1766      2022     9423          0
Markdown                    57     11596     2499         0     9097          0
XML                         55      3555       40       132     3383          0
Plain Text                  49     46640     3974         0    42666          0
HTML                        28       458       45         5      408          0
Mustache                    20       231        4         1      226          0
License                     18      1386      241         0     1145          0
XML Schema                  13      2828      435         0     2393          0
YAML                         5      8550       29       161     8360          0
gitignore                    5       108        8        18       82          0
BASH                         4        54       12         9       33          5
Makefile                     2        21        3         0       18          0
Shell                        2        40        2         5       33          5
Vue                          2        95        3        10       82          1
Docker ignore                1         4        0         1        3          0
Handlebars                   1         1        0         0        1          0
Python                       1       452       63        30      359         94
Total                     8965   2506036   133606    327810  2044620      63421
Estimated Cost to Develop (organic) $167,221,716
Estimated Schedule Effort (organic) 73.01 months
Estimated People Required (organic) 98.40
Processed 145808364 bytes, 145.808 megabytes (SI)