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580 bytes added ,  01:17, 8 December 2016
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<li> Jeroen DeDauw wrote [ this blog post in 2014] that is probably still not only relevant, but also contains wisdom not addressed in other places (e.g. Extension developers should specify <code>"type": "mediawiki-extension"</code> in their extension's composer.json so that Composer installs your package into the 'extensions' folder instead of the typical 'vendor' folder that is Composer's default.)
=== Use git checkouts ===
Say you installed Semantic Mediawiki with <code>composer require</code> and then when you went to your 'extensions' directory you were <i class="fa fa-frown-o"></i> because it wasn't a git checkout. You can rectify that by redoing the command, but with the <code>--prefer-source</code> option. nb. You first have to move the existing directory out of the way: <code>mv SemanticMediaWiki unused/</code> <code>cd ../ composer require --update-no-dev --sort-packages --optimize-autoloader -vvv mediawiki/semantic-media-wiki "~2.4" --prefer-source</code>
== Installation ==


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