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2,264 bytes removed ,  12:45, 19 December 2018
Info on ECMAScript 6
* [[MediaWiki/js]] talks about using JavaScript in MediaWiki
* User Scripts are JavaScripts that you insert into your web browser such as Greasemonkey scripts. is the open source repository of Grease Monkey scripts.
* [[MediaWiki/Presentation]] describes methods to produce presentations from your wiki
[ Dan Phiffer] wrote the following Greasemonkey script that [ turns any MediaWiki article into a slide presentation]. I changed the presentation a bit.<source lang="javascript">// ==UserScriptJavaScript Libraries ==// @name Wikipedia PresentationJQuery is included with [[Drupal]], and is also used in many other projects.// @namespace In this slideshow, you can [ @description Turn a Wikipedia article into a presentation// ==/UserScript==jquery.html compare JQuery with Prototype]
var wikipedia_presentation = {
setup: function() {
this.sections === [ Underscore.js];this.pos = 0;==
var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];this.orig_markup = body.innerHTML;var markup = body.innerHTML;var start = 0;var end = markup.indexOf('<span class="editsection"');while (end != Underscore is a JavaScript library that provides a whole mess of useful functional programming helpers without extending any built-1) {start = markupin objects.indexOf('</span>', end);end = markup.indexOf('<span class="editsection"', start);if (end == -1) {end = markup.indexOf('<div class="printfooter">', start);this.sections.push(markup.substr(start, end - start));end = -1;}this.sections.push(markup.substr(startIt�s the answer to the question: �If I sit down in front of a blank HTML page, end - and want to start));}if (this.sections.length > 0) {var div = document.getElementById('bodyContent');var link = div.insertBefore(document.createElement('a'), div.firstChild);link.innerHTML = 'Start presentation';link.setAttribute('href'being productive immediately, what do I need?� � and the tie to go along with jQuery'#presentation');link.addEventListener('clicks tux and Backbone', thiss suspenders.start, false);}},
start: function() {var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];body.innerHTML = '';JavaScript Callbacks ==bodyA great explanation of what are Callbacks and how to use them: = 'center';com/understand-javascript-callback-functions-and-use-them/
var prev = body.appendChild(document.createElement('a'));prev.innerHTML = '&larr; Prev';prev.setAttribute('href', '#prev'); JavaScript SourceMaps == '11px verdana, sans-serif';prev.addEventListener('click', function() {wikipedia_presentation.prev();}, false);Debug minified sources in FireFox or Chrome
body* [https://www.appendChild(documenthtml5rocks.createTextNode(' com/en/tutorials/developertools/sourcemaps/ tutorial]* [ '));Source_map_errors Debugging Source map errors]
var stop = body.appendChild(document.createElement('a'));stop.innerHTML = 'Exit';stop.setAttribute('href', '#exit'); JavaScript 6 == '11px verdana, sans-serif';stop.addEventListener('click', function() { wikipedia_presentation.stop();* Basic overviews:}, false); body** [https://github.appendChild(documentcom/lukehoban/es6features https://github.createTextNode(' com/lukehoban/ ')); var next = body.appendChild(document.createElement('a'));next.innerHTML = 'Next &rarr;';next.setAttribute('href', '#next'); = '11px verdana, sans-serif';next.addEventListener('click', function() {;}, false); var slide = body.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));slide.setAttribute('id', 'wikipedia_presentation'); = '780px'; = '10px 10px 10px 20px'; = 'left'; = '2em verdana, sans-serif'; slide.innerHTML = wikipedia_presentation.sections[0es6features];var items = slide.getElementsByTagName('li');for (var i = 1; i < items.length; i++) {items** [i].style.display = 'none';} document.addEventListener('keypress', wikipedia_presentation.keypress, false);}, stophttps: function() {var body = document//blog.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];bodypragmatists.innerHTML = wikipedia_presentation.orig_markup; = 'left';wikipedia_presentation.setup();document.removeEventListener('keypress', wikipedia_presentation.keypress, false);}, keypresscom/top-10-es6-features-by-example-80ac878794bb https: function(event) {if (event.keyCode == 39) {wikipedia_presentation//;} else if (eventpragmatists.keyCode == 37) {wikipedia_presentation.prev();}}, prev: function() {this.poscom/top-10-es6-features-;if (this.pos == by-1) {this.pos = this.sections.length example- 1;80ac878794bb]}* Outstanding book:var slide = document** [http://exploringjs.getElementById('wikipedia_presentation');slidecom/es6/ http://exploringjs.innerHTML = wikipedia_presentation.sections[this.poscom/es6/];}, next: function() { var slide = document* The "Can I use?".getElementById('wikipedia_presentation');var items = slide.getElementsByTagName('li'); var hidden = 0;for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {if (items** [i]https://kangax.stylegithub.display == 'none') {hidden++;}} if (hidden > 0) {items[items.length io/compat- hidden]table/es6/ https://kangax.stylegithub.display = 'listio/compat-item';return;} this.pos++;if (this.pos == this.sections.length) {this.pos = 0;}slide.innerHTML = wikipedia_presentation.sections[this.postable/es6/];var items = slide.getElementsByTagName('li');for (var i = 1; i < items.length; i++) {* Sandbox:items** [i] = 'none';} }}; wikipedia_presentationcom/ https://es6console.setup(); <com/source>]

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