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645 bytes added ,  08:49, 4 December 2015
no edit summary
|text = if you need help [[Git/migrating to git|migrating to git]] then call Greg Rundlett at {{CompanyName}} }}
==See Also==
Say your project spews build artifacts into your source tree, and doesn't clean up after itself. How do you clean out your working copy without having to do a clean checkout?
<source lang="bash">
svn status -no-ignore | grep -e ^\? -e ^I | awk '{ print $2 }' | xargs --no-run-if-empty rm -r
=== Last Week's svn Log ===
<source lang="bash">
svn -vr {$(date --iso-8601 --date="last week")}:HEAD log
=== Add a bunch of new files ===
<source lang="bash">
svn status . | grep '^?' | sed 's/^? */svn add "/g' | sed 's/$/"/g' | sh
=== Find in svn status -===Old versions of Subversion would store metadata throughout the working copy, and offers no-ignore facility for searching the content. While you could and should setup a [[Search| grep fantastic indexing service]], you <source lang="bash">find . -e ^name \? .svn/ -e ^I | awk prune -o -name '*.php'-exec grep -l needle { print $2 }\; | sed 's/^/# /' | xargs --no-run-if-empty rm -r
[[Category:Version Control]]
