AWS Solutions Architect/training/Section 13: Deployment and Management
From Freephile Wiki
- 168. Introduction
- 169. CI/CD Overview
- 170. AWS CodeCommit and CodePipeline
- 171. [HOL] Install Git (and Learn the Basics)
- 172. [HOL] Create CodeCommit Repository
- 173. [HOL] Create Pipeline and Application
- 174. [HOL] Add Build Stage to Pipeline
- 175. Additional Developer Tools
- 176. [HOL] ECS-LAB-4 - CodeDeploy Application and Pipeline
- 177. [HOL] ECS-LAB-5 - Implement Blue/Green Update to ECS
- 178. AWS CloudFormation Core Knowledge
- 179. [HOL] Create CloudFormation Stack
- 180. [HOL] Create Nested Stack using the AWS CLI
- 181. AWS Service Catalog
- 182. [HOL] Deploy Product using Service Catalog
- 183. AWS Cloud Development Kit
- 184. AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM)
- 185. AWS Systems Manager
- 186. [HOL] Launch EC2 Managed Instances
- 187. [HOL] SSM Automation and Config Rules
- 188. [HOL] Systems Manager Automation
- 189. [HOL] Systems Manager Run Command and Patch Manager
- 190. [HOL] Systems Manager Configuration Compliance
- 191. AWS OpsWorks
- 192. AWS Resources Access Manager (RAM)
- 193. AWS Health API and Dashboards
- 194. AWS Well-Architected Tool
- 195. Architecture Patterns - Deployment and Management