
From Freephile Wiki

A lot of companies apparently use Microsoft SharePoint for their collaboration and knowledge intranets. That's a really bad idea. If you or someone you know uses Sharepoint, speak to us. eQuality Technology can help you transition to a better platform using one of the world's best platforms for collaboration and knowledge: MediaWiki.

Who is using MediaWiki? Here are just a few names...

  1. Department of Defense
  2. Esportspedia
  3. Free Software Foundation
  4. Intel
  5. Joomla
  6. The LGBT History Project
  7. Mercy
  8. Metacafe
  9. MITRE
  10. Mozilla
  11. NASA
  12. NATO
  13. Project Gutenberg
  14. Society of Exploration Geophysicists
  15. SNPedia
  16. Vistaprint
  17. WikiApiary
  18. wikiHow
  19. WordPress

More examples:

According to WikiApiary, there are over 25,000 independent wikis out there (and those are just the public ones that WikiApiary knows about).