
From Freephile Wiki
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What is node?[1] video with Tom Hughes-Croucher of Joyent

Node.js is a platform for doing network applications using JavaScript on the client and server. Basically, it's like an Apache web server, written in C, and using the Chrome browser's JavaScript engine. The community is well-developed and there are many pre-written 'modules'. See the wikipedia article for more.

Parsoid Web Service API[edit] is a node.js implementation that powers the Visual editor for MediaWiki

  • todo reconstitute the node service
    • Done installed nodejs package (note that the package provides npm, so it conflicts with the npm standalone package) dpkg-query --status nodejs
    • configure port


Front-end Build Tools[edit]

When doing nodejs development or front-end development, you may also wish to employ some sort of build system or task runner for performing repetitive tasks like minification, compilation, unit testing, linting, etc.

Node Happenings[edit]

The people of Node (e.g. Mikeal Rogers) are doing a lot of interesting things. Like JSFest which happened in SanFrancisco 2014, or Node school.


  1. Radar O'Reilly article from 2011 that is a good overview.